Adherence to work ethics mooted in media/ police seminar


IMPHAL, July 28: The Police and Media needs to work with transparency and within professional ethics to bring about a positive change in the society, according to DGP, Y Joykumar. He mooted that an effective justice system can be delivered with co-operation amongst the Public, Police and Media.

Giving the valedictory address of a one day seminar for better relations with the media and police at 1st MR Banquet Hall, the DGP today continued on the line that such seminars give different perspectives to both bodies. He said that prevalent issues have been dissected at the seminar and new insights have been gathered. “This would be advantageous in rectifying working conditions of both estates and in rendering better service to the public,” he said.

The Seminar focused on our key issues of mob justice, crime against women, psychotropic substances, relations between media and police and representatives from various sections gave their views. The conclusion of the seminar will be publicized after three days, Joykumar added while making the point that more deliberations are needed to bring about a working conclusion as each topic is a vast one and equally hard to resolve quickly. He assured that more seminars on other topics with participation from the public will be held within the month of August.

Among the academicians, assistant professor of Mass Communication (MU), Natasha Elangbam and assistant professor of Maharaj Budhachandra College, Dr Homen Thangjam stressed that the autonomy of the media and police should be maintained and both needs to be critical of the other.

Natasha recommended for instituting of an independent body to redress complaints received against the police which can also monitor if the media is misinterpreting public opinion.

Speaking on mob justice, Times of India correspondent K Sarojkumar stated that a mob can be incited by a media report which affects not only the perpetrator but other family members also. He cited criminal cases where houses were burnt down and families of the accused were evicted. To avoid this, he advised caution and adherence to ethics by scribes while writing reports.

The seminar titled, “How Police and Media can work in tandem to deliver better justice to the people” was jointly organized by the Police department and All Manipur Working Journalists Union(AMWJU).

The inaugural function was attended by the Chief Minister Okram Ibobi ,minister in charge of Law, Th Debendra Singh, AMWJU President W Shamjai Singh and DGP Y Joykumar Singh.

The Chief Minister in his address dwelled on the sub-topics of the seminar. He said that mob justice violates the rights of the individual and that citizens should ponder whether such actions are acceptable. He accepted the fact that crime against women is increasing in the State and something has to be done timely. Ways and means to check such crimes is the need of the hour, he said.

He added that the other menace is substance abuse and despite stringent laws, there is rampant abuse. The role of the media is to bring awareness of these social evils to the general public and to deter criminal activity. The media, academicians and law enforcement agencies concertedly needs to evolve a means to confront the afflictions of our society, he said.


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