PPANL observes 122nd Partriots` Day


JIRIBAM, August 13: The Pari Puri Athouba Ningsing Lup (PPANL) along with students of Jiribam Sub-division also observed the 122nd Partriots’ Day in a solemn function held at the Ancestral Hero’s Memorial Complex Ningshingkhun Bio-diversity Park, Jiribam.

Speaking as the chief guest, Works Minister Dr Kh Ratankumar said that

the state government also considers the conversion of Jiribam sub-division to a full-fledged revenue district as reasonable, however considering the prevailing sensitivity of the present day condition in the state, the government is unable to do so and further asked the people to wait for some time.

Acknowledging that there are certain complaints against failure to maintain to quality control in works taken up under his department, he said he would conduct spot assessment of such works and initiate strict actions against anyone found guilty.

Meanwhile, as mark of respect to the Martyrs, people offered floral tributes to the statues of Thangal General, Bir Tikendrajit and Paona Brajabasi erected inside the Ancestral Hero’s Memorial Complex Ningshingkhun Bio-Diversity Park at the start of the observance function followed by a rendition of a patriotic song by Jiri Musical Institute.

Th Somorendro Singh, Gen secy PPANL described in detail on why the observance was held and people paid respect on the martyrs.

The observance ceremony was also attended by S Kulla Singh, chairman PPANL Jiribam; Y Iboyaima Singh, ADC Jiribam; Dr Y Mani Khuman, president of AMUCO; L Shantikumar Singh, president of JUC and Kh Pratikumar Devi, wife of Kh Ratankumar as president and guest of honours respectively.

During the ceremony, a painting competition was also held where Milar Sinamcha (Virgo Arts College Jiribam) bagged the first prize; Amuthoi Moirangthem (RK Sanatombi Devi Vidyalay) second prize while Hijam Anandi Devi (High English School) and Haobam Jeson Singh (Virgo Arts College) shared the third prize.

Ch Kamal Singh, retd Asst Prof Manipuri Dept Jiri College and L Jaminikanta Singh, Asst Prof History Dept Jiri College spoke at lenght on history of Manipur and why this particular day is being obseved.

The 122nd Patriot’s Day was also widely obseved by Janata Dal (United), Manipur State, Huyen Lallong Manipur Thang-Ta Cultural Association, All Manipur Anti-Drug Association (AMADA), Apunba Kanglei Sinnaibi Lup and Ethno Heritage Council (Hericoun) where offering of floral tributes and paying of respect to the martyrs marked the observance functions.

Our Moreh Correspondent adds: The civil society organisations of Moreh such as All Community Development Organisation, (ACODOM), Meetei Council Moreh (MCM), AMSU Chandel district, Nupi Khunai Chaokhat Lamjing Lup, Kha Nongpok Apunba Nupi Lup today jointly organised the 123th Patriots’ Day 2013 at Ima Kondong Lairembi Haraobung, Moreh.

Robert Singh Kshetrimayum, ADC member Moreh presided over the function while the chairman of the ADC Chandel, Lhukhosei Zou as chief guest and M Thoiba Singh president MCM, I Ibobi Singh president ACODOM, Jangmang Haokip president HTC Moreh, V Sekhar president Tamil Sangam Moreh, Md Ahmad vice president Manipuri Muslim Council Moreh  as guests of honour respectively.

Addressing at the function, Lhukhosei Zou, chairman of the ADC Chandel expressed the gathering to understand the underlying meaning of observance of the function. He further continued that the sacrifices by the Manipur patriots in the Anglo Manipur war were not for one community but for the whole of Manipur.

He also said that the uniqueness of Manipur comes to the fore only when one gets out of the state; and added that there is no better place than Manipur.

The community leaders present in the function paid floral tribute to the martyrs.

The school students of the Moreh presented patriotic recitals in the function and the locals of Moreh, the women and students participated.


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