Transport minister proposes free and seamless travel in NE states


NEW DELHI , October 23 (Manipur Information Centre): Manipur Transport Minister Dr Kh Ratankumar proposed the Union Ministry of Road Transport and Highways to facilitate free and seamless travel in the North East states when the Mandalay- Imphal bus service was introduced.

Addressing at the 35th Meeting of Transport Development Council (TDC) today at NASC Complex, DPS Marg, Pusa, here under the chairmanship of Union Minister for Road Transport & Highways Oscar Fernandes; he said that Mandalay- Imphal bus service was being launched shortly, which was in the final stage of signing Memorandum of Understanding between the two countries.

He stated, “Once the service is launched, there will be a lot of improvement between the two countries through Manipur gateway and entire North East States will be covered and even Bihar. The seamless tourist travel will increase many folds in the North East in particular and the rest of the country in general.

Indians and Manipuris living in Myanmar desire to visit India on surface transport. Myanmarese Buddhists are willing to visit at Buddha Gaya in Bihar on pilgrimage.”

Dr Ratankumar emphasized the need for a separate arrangement to facilitate free and seamless travel in the North East States under the auspices of the Union Ministry of Road Transport and Highways. He drew the attention of the Union Minister Oscar Fernandez to look into the matter by involving stake holders of the North East States. He also proposed for setting up a Committee into the matter.

Referring to the recommendation of the Official Committee set up for rationalization of Motor Vehicle Taxes to levy lifetime tax at floor rate of 6% of the sale price before VAT on two wheeler, car and light motor vehicles; Manipur Transport Minister proposed to allow the existing structure of rates ranging from 3% to 8% for the State of Manipur notified in March 2011, owing to economically backward of the State.

On the issue of overloading, the Transport Minister said that Manipur had already implemented the directives of the Supreme Court and notified in the Manipur Gazette on July 21, 2010 which states, “ An overloaded vehicle shall not be allowed to proceed even after compounding for the offence punishable under section 194 of the Motor Vehicles Act 1988, unless the excess weight is off loaded from the said vehicle by the driver at his own risk”.

He further raised problems on the installation of weighing bridges along the National Highways falling in the state and proposed for providing a sustainable funding mechanism for installation of weighing bridges particularly for the States of the North East Region.

The Special Secretary of Transport of Manipur  M. Lakshmikumar Singh accompanied the Minister in the meeting.

The Transport Development Council is the apex body to discuss crucial road transport related issues requiring broader consensus among States. Through this platform, various important decisions have been taken in the past including seamless movement of Goods Carriage through National Permit System.

After the meeting, Dr Ratankumar personally talked to the Union Minister of Road Surface and Highways Oscar Fernandez for improvement of National Highways in the State.


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