House razed


    IMPHAL, November 3 (NNN): Irate locals dismantled the house of RK Sanatomba today in connection with the suspicious death of his wife Moirangthem ningol RK ongbi Gyaneshwori.

    The 32-year-old housewife had reportedly committed suicide by hanging herself at her house in Singjamei Meisnam Leikai Tomal Leirak in Imphal West district on Friday night, but the victim’s parental family had labeled it as a case of suspicious death.

    Armed with various weapons, the agitated locals of Singjamei Meisnam Leikai Tomal Leirak, Imphal West district, gathered at Sanatomba`s residence and dismantled the house. The local people also ostracised the family of Sanatomba from the locality.

    Gyaneshwori left behind a one-year-old daughter. Police reports said the husband has been taken into custody for questioning in connection with the alleged suicide case.


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