Speedy Trials for Justice


Not so long ago, female victims of rapes, as well as their families, are too shamed to be willing to approach the legal systems or heads of their communities in order to fight for justice. Their mentality is susceptible to meek surrender to the perpetrators, who carried out their crimes not merely because of their pervert behaviors but defiance of the pain inflicted on their victims. But time has shown that the perception of the public about rapes and even those of the victims have changed. Once upon a time the victims and their families were afraid of the maneuvering and delay tactics of the defenses. They were pushed to the brink of desperation at the deprivation of justice. But the victims have been buoyed by the rise in social activism and powerful laws for their protection, they are bent on punishing their aggressors. On the other hand, social rehabilitation which is one the utmost need of a victim of sexual violation is far more reachable these days.  Then came the most heartening development in the form of the guidelines offered by the Supreme Court on speedy trials.
The SC guidelines has noted with concern that it is almost certain that common practices and regular occurrences in trial courts allow cases to be adjourned on less serious reasons or even on flippant grounds. Even adjournment are granted for the asking, quite often suiting the convenience of the defense and such parties delay the delivery of justice. The SC has clearly stated that adjournment can be given only in exceptional circumstances. The manner in which rape trials were conducted earlier has been a matter of grave concern but now things have changed drastically. Even in Manipur, the way in which justice was delivered in the U-Morok rape case, the TG School student rape case will be contributing factors in making rape victims come out with ordeals. Trials for both cases were completed within a year. These were in compliance to the SC directives for completion of the examination process (within two months) from the times of the examination and continuation of day to day examinations until all the witnesses in attendances have been examined. The upward development in trials of rape cases is welcomed and we are looking forward to December 12, when two adults who violated the innocence of a school going girl (TG School) will face their fates.


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