KYKL reacts sharply against Telegraph charges


IMPHAL, February 25: The proscribed Kanglei Yawol Kanna Lup has reacted to a news item regarding the arrest of a cadre of the outfit identified as W Jayenta alias Lakpa from Bihar-Nepal border which was published by Kolkata edition of the Telegraph in its February 24 issue and its subsequent reproduce in one of the local daily on the next day at Imphal.

A press statement of the outfit said that it had already clarified that the KYKL is not connected in any manner with the murder of MPP vice-president H Manisana Singh and added that linking the outfit to the murder in the news item was an deliberate attempt to defame the outfit.

Clarifying to other charges carried in the report, it said that the KYKL is not connected with the killing of any non-local.

It has also asserted that the CorCom had already clarified that it was not connected in any manner with the blast that killed nine non-locals in Nagamapal.

The press release said that all these charges were labelled against them by the mainstream media in a bid to neutralise the burning issues of assaulting, raping, molestation and even killing of NE people in the national capital in the recent time, it said.

The release further narrated the unwillingness of the Goa police to register an FIR lodged by a woman of Chinese national as she seemed to be from the region but the FIR was later registered after acknowledging her nationality, it said and added that this was an unique example of their attitude towards north east people, it said.


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