Blockade affects normal life in Ukhrul


By R Lester Makang


UKHRUL, September 6: With the Tangkhul Frontal Organizations (TFOs) tightening its grip on enforcement of the United Naga Council (UNC) -sponsored ongoing indefinite ban on vehicles movement on national and state highways in Naga areas, normal life in Ukhrul district headquarters has been disrupted as town taxis stayed off the road since day second while NH-150 continue to wear a deserted look.

The move to clamp strictures on movement of town taxis has been made to strengthen the ban call in the heart of the town as well, informed a TFO source this evening, adding that, acordingly, town taxis have been informed not to ply in the town except for two hours from 8-10 am in the morning and 2-4 pm in the evening which is strictly in consideration of the public hardships in meeting exigencies.

The town’s thoroughfare which is normally cramful of taxis, consequently, has experienced a sparse traffic movement since yesterday adding to the thinning of traffic volume due to the highways ban.

At the same time, the NH-150 along the Imphal-Ukhrul route continued to look deserted as all sorts of vehicles kept off the road, despite the strategic deployment of paramilitary forces like Assam Riffles along the highway.

A team of Assam Riffles personnel led by a commandent could also be seen patrolling along the road today.


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