State BJP chief threatens Statesman, Hueiyen with Rs.50 crore lawsuit


IMPHAL, September 23: BJP Manipur Pradesh president Th Chaoba has today warned of filing a defamation law suit of Rs 50 crores against The Statesman, its special correspondent Yambem Laba, and the local daily Hueiyen Lanpao for a report charging him of being involved in the present under investigation RIMS graft case.

Speaking at a press conference at the party’s office, Chaoba said the report published in the said newspapers stating that former RIMS director Dr Sekharjit’s wife had written to the president of the BJP State unit to refund Rs. 1 crore paid earlier to forestall the CBI raids is baseless and a challenge to his 50 years long political career.

Hinting that this whole issue could have been the handiwork of the party’s dissident group in New Delhi, Chaoba said if his involvement can be proved, he is ready to spend his remaining life in prison.

He said he has never done anything to stain his image even though he has been a minister in the State as well as in the Union government.

Denying any charges of his involvement in the graft case, Chaoba said he is not even closely acquainted with Dr Sekharjit or his wife Dr Damyanti.

The allegation is a challenge to his image, he said before declaring that he will not remain silent while others continue to throw dirt at him.

He said defamation notice have been already sent to The Statesmen, its special correspondent Yambem Laba and Huiyen Lanpao.

They have 24 hours to tender their apology publicly, or prove his involvement with evidence as reported within seven days he said.

An if they fail to prove any involvement or tender the public apology, a Rs 50 crore defamation suit for polluting 50 years of political career will be filed against the three, he said.

Such baseless reports could greatly harm the party ahead of the Hiyanglam by-poll, he said.

Chaoba said the matter has already been informed to the central committee of the party and several political leaders of the NDA have been urged to expedite the CBI investigation in the RIMS case.

The recent raid at over nine different places simultaneously by 33 special sleuths of the CBI is unprecedented in the state, and the BJP wants the Centre to expedite the process at the earliest and book all those involved in the case, he said.


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