A Sin not to Try


Sometimes the stark reality confronts one and we are left to suffer in its wake, the writings on the wall which we perceive to be for the other person can suddenly jump out and bite. A painful reality when the fabric of the comfort cocoon tears. It is open that most of the people in power indulges in their whims and fancies just for their own self-serving motives. In their indulgence, many are left crucified despite being innocent and suffer the injustices in the dark corner.

In truth, power does corrupt, but it must take exceptional courage and principles to adhere to truth and to care for your fellow man. In Manipur, there seems to be absolutely no space for the common man. He is laughed at his powerlessness, trampled on because of his truthfulness, spited on because he believes in democracy and in a better society.

Police and politicians are in such close proximity in the state that one cannot do without indulging in whims of the other, that is of course for the mutual favours. Not only the mentioned, but others from different spheres occupying a somewhat `political`™ position may do whatever they want, twist the truth, take the law into their own hands, to make the false appear right, to rampantly rape the commoners of their rights. A sacrificial lamb is the commoner. He bears the brunt of the whip as the system operates in favour of the rich and powerful, the connected people. The wounds on the back of the plebeians is brushed aside by those in the ivory towers as their feeling of being superior tantamount in self- belief that they have the right to do so, to inflict pain and suffering upon others, to crucify our souls, but never the same fate should befall to them. Their comfort cocoon cannot be breached at all cost. It is in their mindset and hearts that they cannot be held accountable but others can be. This fascist mindset had been the trend for the powerful and still they remain the untouchables, a true democracy still remains a distant illusion.

It is known only to those who have suffered the cruelty of the oppressive hands, spent the sleepless nights cringing their teeth but becomes emasculated when it dawns upon them that they are still helpless, to retaliate the oppression and still powerless to fight the oppressors. That feeling of helplessness has been borne by many and continues to do so.

Sad even more of the fact that those who have left their homes and sacrificed their lives to fight this oppression have in one way or the other become more like the oppressors. Those supposed to be fighting for us have also begun to think and act like those whom we detest the most. Here, the common man in the state is left to fend for himself between the devil and the deep blue sea with no respite in sight. To be left with the pain and the injustice perpetrated still must remain in the hearts of so many. To endure injustice is more hard than the physical pain that accompanies it. Maybe with the passage of time, the Gandhian thought of turning the other cheek may be a soothing balm for self reconciliation, sometimes reflection on a song or a painting may bring an emancipation from the bitterness. The adage of error and forgiveness being divine holds much water. However, for truth, equality and justice, it is felt that one should not conform to tyranny in whatever form they appear, and for each of us is the duty to challenge that, and in our own possible ways and means. As someone said, it is acceptable to fail but a sin not to try.

Leader Writer: Paojel Chaoba


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