URF denies police claim, says leaders killed in fake encounter


IMPHAL, January 10: The United Revolutionary Front has said that the outfit`™s two leaders killed by State police commandos on January 6 were killed in a fake encounter and not in an actual encounter as was claimed by the police.

A press statement issued by the outfit`™s chairman Lanheiba Meitei has said that on the day of the said encounter, the two leaders namely Home secretary Puyam Ruhini Meitei and assistant chief central finance Keithellakpam Lankhomba Meitei had around Rs 37 lakhs in their possession and weapons which were not reported by the police.

It said the police had killed the two leaders just for the money and the weapon in a fake encounter.

The loss is inconsolable and no actions of revenge will be able to return the two selfless leaders, it said adding that the outfit will never accept the conduct of the Manipur police commandos of killing the two leaders in a fake encounter.

The incident has occurred at a time when the Home secretary was trying to initiate efforts to unite the outfits of both the valley and hills including those under CorCom, KNO and UPF and other Naga brothers to fight the traditional enemy, rendering the outfit broken-hearted, it said.

The loss of the two leaders has also left a void which cannot be filled, it said.

The outfit`™s new motto is unity and to fight the enemy in unison, it said.

Although the outfit cannot replace the two leaders by killing hundreds of enemies, since the Manipur commandos have started the war by killing their own brothers, the outfit and its army cannot remain silent and will retaliate, it said.

Till date, the outfit had always maintain the stance of not attacking our own brothers and sisters other than during self-defence, however, the killing of the two leaders have made the outfit change the stance, it said.

The outfit has also announced a `total attack` stance to attack the Manipur commandos at any place without considering whether they are armed or unarmed, high ranking or low ranking personnel, it said.

The URF/ MA will not overlook any chance to attack the commandos and their families including women and children, it said.

It has also warned that the outfit has resolved to conduct an anti-police/ anti-security drive and attack anyone who is near and dear to the police and the security including women and children.

The URF will soon take revenge by killing 20 commandos.

The outfit has also set a deadline for all non-locals who are not indigenous people of Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Sikkim and Tripura to leave Manipur before the end of January.

It has threatened that the non-indigenous people should bear all responsibilities for any violence erupting after the deadline.

The statement has also said that the outfit and its armed wing had observed a two minute silence and gave a gun salute in memory of the two departed leaders.


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