BJP ridicules Con govt`s claim of 2014 as an achievement year


IMPHAL, December 31: The State government declaring 2014 as a year of achievement for the government is deliberate deception played on the people of Manipur alleged M Asnikumar General Secretary Administration BJP Manipur Pradesh.

In an interaction with media persons this afternoon at his office chamber, Asnikumar said the State government rather than achieving anything, had done nothing commendable for the State.

He further said the Ibobi-led Congress government failed miserably in implementing many Central government programmes. These include food security act which was pledged to the public that it would be implemented within 2013 by Chief Minister Ibobi.

The government has not even complete constructing the Sanjenthong bridge even now, though the government pledged its completion before the commencement of the Sangai Festival 2014.

He also pointed out the irregularities in the recruitment of SI, ASI, charging many of them were found selected with fake certificate. The letters of the selected candidates are denied to this day because of this, he alleged.

He also said the recruitment result of round 2000 constables is pending till today. How can all this be termed as achievements of the State government, he asked.

He also charged that there is a complete breakdown of ht e PDS system and essential items continue to fail to reach the nooks and corners of the State.

He said the State government has not contributed the norms of 10 percent State share in the NGNREGS implemented in State and till today Job card holders haven`t been rewarded the promised 100 days works.

He said torture has become the norm of the security forces, hiding behind the AFSPA in all the 13 years of rule by Congress. In all there have been, 1600 fake encounter cases by the Central paramilitary forces and State forces, and all this will be unveiled very soon, he added.

The people are still exposed to blockades and bandhs on National Highway, there is still wide disparity in development between different districts of the State.

He also charged that the hills continue to be out of control of the State government and this was demonstrated by the repeated cancellation of official visit of the Deputy Chief Minister and other State cabinet ministers to Senapati district, under the pressured of NSCN-IM.

Instead, the State force are engaged in assaulting unarmed students, agitating for the implementation of ILP in the State. Now the nightmare of the discovery of human skulls and skeletons at Tombisana High school campus is unfolding, he said.

In this case too, the decision of State government to hand over investigation to the CBI is not a stand of the government but done under duress of pressure from the Manipur public, he claimed.

Finally he said the State government is still unable to declare assets of Ministers and MLAs but the real asset of 60 MLAs are and open secret with the people.

Asnikumar in his turn, wished a prosperous New Year 2015 to the people of the State and pleaded with them to discard the Congress and be on the side of the ruling NDA at the Centre. He also prayed for peaceful co-existence among the ethnic communities of the State.


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