Zomi leaders call for unification


LAMKA, February 20: The 67th Zomi Namni (Zomi National Day) festival cum Mithun festival was celebrated at YPA Gen HQ Hall located at Hiangtam Lamka, Ccpur, grace as Chief Guest by Veteran Politician, Rishang Keishing Rajya Sabha MP and former Chief Minister of Manipur.
Thanglianpau Guite President of Zomi Reunification Organisation (ZRO),was Namni Pa,father of the national day and PS Haokip president of Kuki National Organisation (KNO), was president of the function.

Other dignitaries who attended the function were Health Minister Mr.Phungzathang Tonsing as Blue St of honour, MP of outer Manipur Thangso Baite and MLA of district namely PS to Manipur Govt. Vungzagin Valte, MTDC Chairman etc.

Rishang Keishing, speaking on the occasion said that all the 35 tribe settled in Manipur are one and we must love each other as God loves us all, “Jesus loves us irrespective of language, community etc and as he is the giver of love we must love one another and if one can`t love his neighbour and follow himself he deleted himself. God love us all and so let as do likewise to glorify the giver of love that`s him`.

The chief guest also spoke about the government`™s plan to have an inter-district headquarter of Manipur, quoting the Minister of surface transport Nitin Gadkari, which he said will further our unity.

The president of Zomi Re Unification Oganisation (ZRO) Thanglianpau, speaking as the chief host, recalled the sacrifices of the Zomi leader who had given their life, time and energy for the unity of the Zo San or Zo decencent.

He also recalled the genesis of the Zomi Namni(Zomi National Days up the 18th of Feb.1948 at Selam, Burma, the elders and and lovers of Zomi had gather where 99.9 % present had agreed and decided to have the day as zomi national day and since then we had celebrate the day”

The chief host further said that `we as Zomi are blessed and out main object should be unity` adding `we are unfortunate that we are divided in mainly three countries, Bangladesh ,Myanmar and India but we had now made our present felt in our respective settlement`.

He pointed out that the UPF/ZRO is pressing the government for Autonomous Hills District status.

Speaking as Namni Pa Mr PS Haokip said Zomis are one irrespective of what each tribe call themselves saying that these tribes had come from China.

Thangso Baite, MP, said that we must all introspect and accordingly the leader must chart out the next plan of action.


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