“Protect the people of Manipur from demographic invasion”, MSAD protests at Delhi against Police Brutality.


Office of

the Manipur Students’ Association Delhi

New Delhi

Ref.: 20150711/ PR/ Demo

Press Release

MSAD Protest March in Delhi

Manipur students and residents in Delhi, today, despite obstructions by rain, staged a protest march under the theme “Protest against brutality of state forces and to protect the people of Manipur from demographic invasion.” The march, organised by the Manipur Students’ Association Delhi, was a response to the brutal repression on the democratic agitation to protect the rights of the Indigenous peoples in Manipur, from the unregulated population invasion by outsiders and the State sponsored companies, who under the guard of the Indian military establishment took control of the land, labour, resources and market. Many have been injured in the series of repressions and a student named Sapam Robinhood was killed on July 8, 2015. In addition to the shutting down of educational establishments; curfew have suspended free movement of peoples for daily activities and have added to the economic hardships, particularly the poorer sections. The protest march raised various slogans such as: Stop State Terrorism, Long Live People’s Struggle, and Long Live People’s Democracy.



11th July 2015.


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