Hail Aung San Suu Kyi


I am a strong supporter of Aung San Suu Kyi and her democratic movement of Burma. I was following her story for many years. She has got lots of admirer in the west especially in England, and her husband happen to be an English gentleman who is no more in this world. I have got close relationship of my Burmese friends who is staying in our state and also at Delhi. I do contribute in their website mizzima.com.

I sometime wander how she must be spending for the last twenty years in house arrest without any outside connection. In the recent interview with BBC after releasing from house arrest I come to know that she keep herself busy by reading, Yoga and listening BBC radio which was the only connection to her with outside world.

It’s really surprised to me that BBC correspondence John Simpso asked to AungSan Suu Kyi about mobile phone which she exposed to her after releasing from house arrest. She was having a tough time to handle it to find out where is the mouth piece and ear piece. Although she was not at Jail the rule is so strict at Burma a simple mobile phone cannot be smuggle in, to her lake site house.

One can imagine how free we are our jail is full of mobile phone and even from our security ward at Government hospital extortion call can be made without any difficulty. I hope we can see her as leader of democratic Burma very soon.

Yours faithfully,
Dr Nabakanta Sharma


  1. As the writer compares India with Burma, the unexpressed corrollary to the Iron Lady of Burma must be Manipur’s Irom Sharmila. Although the West does support Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, with sanctions in place they have nothing to lose by supporting her. Her late husband an Oxford Don was refused permission to visit her in Burma even with the full support of the British Embassy. Technically I hold a British Passport and am entitled to the support of the European Union but I have been refused assistance by the British High Commission in facilitating a visit with my fiancee Irom Sharmila. The reason they give is that this is an internal matter for the Indian people. They also claim that as the EU/India Delegation has often spoken out for Irom Sharmila and for the repeal of AF(SP)A the BHC can be said to have already acted on her behalf. The EU/India Delegation of MEPs have offered us support. Most recently when the Indian Government leaked false reports of her imminent death due to complications with her force feeding 22 September in the Hindu Greg Watson the Head of the EU/India delegation, Sharon Bowles and Heidi Hautala (MEPs) all responded immediately.

    I was disappointed that British officials could not be shamed into doing more. But Indian Air Force are currently considering tenders to refit the Air Force Bases in the North East. The British are in a consortium with Germany and Italy to resupply them with EuroFighters. This contract would not only bring in billions of pounds but secure jobs possibly increase employment for BAe. I understand how important this is to British politicians in a time of recession. I continue to complain about their lack of support most recently to the Shadow Foreign Secretary Yvette Cooper. Next week I shall try the new leader of the Opposition.

    I know the problems are complex. For Tibet and Suu Kyi where the West have given all their support Western opinion doesn’t carry any weight. In terms of India and Manipur where Western political opinion would hold weight our leaders have sold out their integrity on slimy arms deals. Again with this comment I could offer it to the Hindu the leading English medium press in India and they would not publish. Or I can send it here where no one reads it.

    I could remind Dr Sharma of the Malta Protocols of the World Health Organization. But as the WHO have only moral authority he cannot be struck off for supporting the incarceration of a political prisoner via non-voluntary mental health treatment. And as he says the freedom of the Indian justice system means even if he were struck off, paying an extortionate fee can you anything you want in India. That isn’t how I would describe Freedom.

    But it is hopeful that if even a brutal dictatorial military junta can relent and release one of its political prisoners that India may be forced to do the same. I should have more faith in Indians. If Dr Sharma would seek to have the Malta Protocols applied in the security ward of JNIMS hospital where the medical staff have conspired to misuse mental health legislation to imprison without trial a political prisoner then that would be a personal act he could make for democracy.

    Or he could continue to support democrats abroad while oppressing them in his own backyard.


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