CPDM Interview Series: ILPS movement is a people’s movement – Haobam Supriya


Exclusive (online) interview carried out by Campaign for Peace & Democracy (Manipur) for www.kanglaonline.com.

– Why young student activists wanted Inner Line Permit System in Manipur?
– Why are they fearless to speak out their minds?
– How will the judgmental sections interpret their minds: are these students to be seen as misguided or forced to have political views and some democratic actions?

Read the background of this interview series: CPDM interview-series-why-young-student-activists-wanted-inner-line-permit-system-in-manipur

Interview with Haobam Surpiya

Supriya 2
Haobam Supriya

Student Profile:
Haobam Supriya
A student at Manipur College, Imphal
BA 3rd semester (History).

CPDM: Please tell us your name and surname, sex and age.
Haobam Priya: My name is Haobam Supriya, Female, and 20 years of age.

CPDM: Where are you from?
Haobam Priya: Kwakeithel Moirang Purel Leikai, Imphal West.

CPDM: Which class are you in? Please tell us the name of your institute too.
Haobam Priya: I am in the 3rd semester (History) of my BA course at Manipur College.

CPDM: What is the purpose of your education?  What ambition in life motivates you to pursue education?
Haobam Priya: I wish to be successful in Manipur Public Service Commission examination.

CPDM: What are your views on the inner line permit system movement in Manipur? Do you think it is a right movement? Please share us your thoughts.
Haobam Priya: I want ILP system to be implemented in Manipur. I want the future generation of the indigenous people to be protected from the mass influx of outsiders and I see ILPS as a means.

CPDM: How have you come to know about the inner line permit system? Would you share it with us?
Haobam Priya: I heard by common talk that ILPS was in place in Manipur, prior to AFSPA 1958. But I don’t know which agreement terminated this law in Manipur. Let me brief up shortly; the government must see the pangs of the public and the public should in turn listen to the government. Mutual understanding between the government and the public is lacking in the present scenario.

CPDM: Do you think the student community should/ should not participate in the ilp movement? Please elaborate your statement.
Haobam Priya: In the ILP movement, the students do have a role to play. The student community can take an active role in safeguarding the interest of our motherland and in this way, we are repaying her. This in no way means that I have forgotten my main duty as a student.

CPDM: You are a woman, and it is a popular notion that women should restrict themselves to the tit bits of family matters and not take active role in politics. What are your views here?
Haobam Priya: Yes, even if people say it is the 21st century, people still subjugate women. People should realise that for a society to develop, women has a huge role to play. Women taking to politics will not hamper our cultural heraitage and traditions.

CPDM: Have you taken any initiative/ active role in the ILPS movement? If so. Please state it. Did anyone force you to join the agitation or take responsibility of it?
Haobam Priya: Yes. I have taken part in the agitation.  My uncle is the General Secretary of our local club and not just me but my family and neighbours too participated in the agitation. No one forced me to participate in the movement. It was out of my own free will.

CPDM: Who and where was the movement organised? How was it organised? What form of movement was it?
Haobam Priya: The movement was a people’s movement. Many student organisations have organised the movement in the past too.

CPDM: How far has the movement/ agitation been successful? Please elaborate.
Haobam Priya: No. The movement hasn’t been successful. Even at this juncture, there are reports that the CM is out of town. This shows how lightly the movement has been perceived by the government. But since we have set foot, we will not backtrack until we get our legitimate claim.

CPDM: What are the reasons for the failure of ILPS demand movement?
Haobam Priya: This is due to the utter negligence of Northeastern region by the Government. Our voices are not heard. I wish to bring this to the notice of the UN and let the people of the world know about it.

CPDM: What do you want to say to the government of Manipur with regards to the Inner Line Permit System movement?
Haobam Priya: All I would say is that this government is an extremely uncivilized one. The government’s uncivilised character is beyond words. It will be a tough task to bring positive changes in the present government. It has been on the wrong track from the very beginning.


Read the interview series:  CPDM interview-series-why-young-student-activists-wanted-inner-line-permit-system-in-manipur

–> Interview with Haobam Supriya: ILPS Movement is a People’s Movement

–> Interview with Chingtham Balbir: ILPS Movement is not For Selected Few

–> Interview with Thoithoi Huidrom: Stop not till the ILPS demand is achieved

–> Interview with Irengbam Priobata: No one forced me to participate in any students movements, I was happy to be part of it

–> Interview with Manishwar Nongmathem: They say ILPS is a movement of the people of Manipur but not all communities are involved



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