Sit-in denounces assault on man


IMPHAL, September 8: In protest against the alleged assault on Arambam Anilkumar, 46 on September 5 around 7:30 pm by locals of Lamdeng Chingjil Makha Leikai, a large number of people from Sagolband Meino Leirak, Imphal West staged a sit-in-protest in the locality today.

Narrating the incident, Anilkumar said that on the fateful day he along with his wife Joyshree visited their newly constructed farmhouse located at Lamdeng manned by a caretaker and his wife as the farm house came under attack frequently by unknown persons.

On the day, a group of seven to eight persons in inebriate condition used abusive words and created a scene threatening their safety, he claimed.

`In such alarmed situation, I fired two shots from my license double barrel gun in self defence`, Anilkumar admitted.

Wrongly interpreting his act of self defence and charging him of detaining a local, the mob burned down the farm house along with a Scorpio SUV and inflicted injuries on the eyes, nose and head of Anilkumar, a protester added.

Accusing him of committing other heinous crime of adultery, the mob also harassed Joyshree and the caretaker`™s wife, Anilkumar contended.

He expressed that the concerned club and people of Lamdeng should produce the persons involved in the incident in the larger interest of people and proper judgment should be given according to the law.

Meanwhile, a woman protestor said that a complaint will be forwarded to the women`™s organizations of the State to look into the matter.

The sit-in-protest was organised by the Young Pillars Union of the locality.


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