IRB women personnel block police entry to Khuman Lampak over CO`s misconduct

Women IRB personnel closing the gate of Khuman Lampak Sports Complex
Women IRB personnel closing the gate of Khuman Lampak Sports Complex

IMPHAL September 22: Women personnel of 9th IRB Mahilla Battalion blocked police vehicles entry to Khuman Lampak Sports Complex from both the north and south gate today.

This was in reaction to the ruthless behavior meted against them by their Commanding Officer (CO) Mamta Wahengbam over the last many months.

A large number of IRB women personnel demanded that their CO Mamta

Wahengbam should be replaced by September 25 by the concerned authorities.

They alleged that CO Mamta Wahengbam furnished the fellow women personnel with extra heavy duty which are beyond the normal duty and further gave severe punishments which are beyond acceptable ground rules.

A personnel on anonymity stated that their career are severely tarnished by the CO`™s conduct and attitude often charging the personnel for being absent even when they were not.

They alleged that their CO deliberately marked them as `Extra Ordinary Leave`™ which harms their career and promotion.

Till today the welfare facility for women personnel which a battalion must provide is just a distant dream, she added.

Further the women IRB personnel alleged that their CO tortured them physically and mentally.

Recently one of the fellow personnel attempted to commit suicide, unable to bear the mental torture committed by their CO Mamta Wahengbam, they rued.

They also demanded that IRB personnel should remain as IRB and not as women police constable as it will affect their service records.

Later, a team of police personnel led by Additional SP Imphal West S

Ibomcha and SDPO Imphal Police Station arrived at the scene and took a stock of the situation.

The women IRB personnel strongly reacted against their visit and asked them to turn back.

The women personnel drew the attention of the Home Minister of the State to look into their grievances that they have been facing for the last many months. They also asked the concerned authorities to arrange a meeting with the Home Minister at the earliest.

Further they resolved not to give any co-operation to their CO Mamta Wahengbam unless she is replaced.

It may be mentioned that the 9th IRB Mahilla Battalion is attached to the 2nd IRB Battalion housed at Khuman Lampak which has a strength of more than 500 women personnel.


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