Young generation`s dream for Indo-Pak relations


By Haseen Chishti

This write up is referred to Pakistan Today`™s sub-editor Annam Lodhi`™s article `Set aside your differences and have a happy meal`™. The writer cossets India and Pakistan not to be the puppet of Super Power instead trashcan the absurdly gone sixty eight years in disruption, be rational and let Indo-pak public live together happily. In fact this thought should be stored as `media`™s excellent coverage`™ because media plays a very important role for setting right or polluting the psychology of the mass by the ways it casts news/thoughts/ideas/ and country matters.So if every media personality of indo-pak writes public`™s bare truth with positive notion then it may steadfastly and concretely heal the Indo-Pak wounded relation.

At this point I must remind the readers that during British India the patriotic songs written by the great poets, coveraged by media had brought patriotic awareness among Indian public who could drove out the British from their land.

Here,I would like to brief the history and reasons of Ind-Pak panoramic bitter relation. In the early 1600s during Mughal`™s rule over Muslim Hindustan the British started entering here as traders for her rich raw material and established East India Company which started its rule over here in 1757 and increasingly took on governmental powers with its own judiciary and carried till 1858. Internal wars among the Dominions of Muslim Hindustan encouraged the British policy of `Break and Rule`™ and made the British Crown successful to have started their rule over Muslim Hindustan in 1858. As these Intruders were Britishers so their international media splashed cooked stories against Hindu Muslims and made their relation an international scenario.

During the British colonial rule over Indian subcontinent they victimized Indian citizens in their own country, injected Polarization between Hindu Muslim brotherhood, plundered their country by exporting unlimited raw material including the `Koh-e-Noor`™ diamond to their country and labeled themselves as `Victorians of British India`™. When Indians got awareness of their policy of `Break and Rule`™ then British sowed the seed of Conception of a separate country for Muslims by injecting Communal conflicts and religious differences in-between Hindus and Muslims who suffered Lunacy. The increasing polarity made Hindu Muslims strong enemy of each other, in consequence their hostility exacerbated the conflict and met bloody massacre with high number of casualties and fatalities,at last the violent partition of British India gave Birth to Pakistan in 1947.

But now with the passage of time, the advancement of science & technology, has refined the psychology of today`™s Indo-Pak public of high pressured Society who is cognizant enough to understand the involvement of national and international political leaders to keep Indo-Pak in the record list of complex relation. But the public of both sides does not have any bitterness as some of the grandparents are still breathing at Trans-border, their uncles,aunts,cousins,grand children of one blood stream, friends, from both sides love each other kicking the issue of Border Line aside.

Some examples of today`™s Indo-Pak youth are as the media personality AnnamLodhi, the Marriage of Indian Lawn Tenis Player Sania Mirza with Pakistani Cricket player Shoeb Malik, frequently coming of Adana Sami in Indian T.V programes, Indo-Pak Fans of the T.V serials of both countries, singers, actors, artists. This increasing awareness among Indo-Pak public and positive writings of media, film script writers, producers show that by the next decade the End of 68 years old Indo-Pak separation would be just like the last scene of Indian Salman Khan`™s film `Bajrangi Bhaijan`™ in which the policies of political agents had been unveiled and failed by the strength of love of Indo-Pak public who broke the Border`™s Line laid in-between them and gathered as `one`™. (lets see,hope so).

(The author is Director, Falcon British Academy, Rahmania Building, Thangal Bazar, Imphal)


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