Wrongdoings spotted in FSA execution: MCP


IMPHAL, May 21: The Maoist Communist Party (MCP) has alleged that several wrongdoings have been discovered in Lamlai area in the implementation of the Food Security Act, which the group claimed was launched in Manipur on April 25, 2016 without adhering to prescribed norms and with the prime objective of beating the deadline.

In a press release issued by the secretary publicity and propaganda today, the MCP stated that anticipation was high that services related to FSA will be provided in an efficient manner at least in Lamlai area if not all over the state as the minister concerned hails from the region. However, the hopes of the people of Lamlai were dashed ever since the actual execution of the Act bean, the note added observing that the manner of distribution of food items did not meet the expectation the MCP had in mind.

In the pursuit of its aspiration to make Lamlai a revolutionary area, the MCP has set some goals, primarily among which is the promise to ensure that people of the area, specially the poor farmers and labourers, get health, education and other rightful facilities.

According to the release, a concerted effort is underway to give only 13-kg of rice instead of the full quota to each household, thus creating conflict between the agents and beneficiaries. Frequent fighting and conflicts were reported from several localities in Lamlai area in the aftermath of deprivation of the beneficiaries their deserving quantity of supplies, it continued. Asserting that MCP wields sufficient power to make intervention in the ongoing disputes but have chosen to keep it as a latter option, the group has in the release warned persons involved in racket to tread carefully while inviting necessary attention from authorities to rectify the unwanted situation. It further urged agents to distribute FSA items to the beneficiaries in accordance with the rules from the month of May onwards.

The MCP has further urged the public to take leading roles in building a situation where the FSA in implemented in an honest and acceptable manner, declaring that the party will offer unflinching support to their activities taken up for realization of such an ideal situation.


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