Goodwill mission urges Rajnath to initiate talks


IMPHAL | Dec 29 : The Goodwill Mission for Peaceful Co-existence today submitted a memorandum to the Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh drawing the attention of the Minister to initiate tripartite talks between the state, UNC and the MHA to end the imbroglio prevailing in the state due to the indefinite economic blockade of UNC.

In the memorandum, it highlighted that the Goodwill Mission for Peaceful Co-existence is a body constituted by a number of civil society organisations and leaders representing all communities in Manipur whose objective is to bring immediate solution of the on-going turmoil in the state after the UNC sponsored economic blockade had taken place since November 1 last.

The blockade was countered at and around the valley are by the valley people resulting in flaring up of unwanted tensions and misunderstanding among the ethnic communities of the state and consequences at different areas, it asserted.

It maintained that the mission in its tryst to contain the misunderstandings and defuse the unwanted tensions among the ethnic communities organised public meetings at different places of the state and camera meetings with key leaders of various communities at various stages.

As a result of these proceedings, the mission had an audience with the state government headed by Chief Minister, along with his cabinet colleagues, chief secretary and others, it held.

It further mentioned that after state government’s show of willingness for talks the mission met the representatives of the UNC at Senapati district headquarters who also expressed their readiness for talks under the purview of the central government.

Given the situation, it appealed the Home Ministry, in the largest interest of the state, initiate a tripartite talk preferably at New Delhi possibly within December as the apprehension for aggravation of the present socio-political havoc prevails which may cost many innocent lives.

Against this backdrop, the secretary of the mission Ashang Kasar appealed to any group or individuals to refrain from misleading the public by circulating false propaganda.

Source IFP


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