Alleged custodial torture of Gaidon, Stephen CJNCSD demands judicial probe


CJNCSD-demands-judicial-probeNew Delhi, Jan 13 :Taking serious exception to the report of alleged custodial torture involving electric shock against the two incarcerated UNC leaders and the indiscriminate firing at Khumji village on January 12 leading to the death of Dikhonang Gonmei and many other life-threatening injuries to Naga civilians, the Joint Naga Civil Societies, Delhi (CJNCSD) has today demanded immediate judicial enquiry and action against the responsible police officials to ensure that justice and the rule of law prevail.

In a statement CJNCSD said that it in particular is baffled by the fact that the reported use of third-degree method and violation of human dignity, soul and body of the two incarcerated leaders are permitted to take place even when the duo are right under judicial custody and at the same time bemused that the contemporary “Manipur” as a “democratic state” has been reduced to such an absurd entity that targeting the life, soul and interest of the Nagas has become the sole professed State function of the Government of Manipur under O Ibobi Singh.

Claiming that the Nagas have been observing peaceful protest since the arrest of the two UNC leaders and formation of the new seven districts,the statement said that however, Ibobi has been resorting to every inhuman force of State-terrorism to brutalise, dehumanize and subdue the legitimate aspirations and rights of the Nagas violating every democratic norm and expectation.

The State Government and the Government of India have been dictating terms on the Nagas to withdraw the ongoing agitation instead of fulfilling their legitimate demands, it alleged further.

CJNCSD resolved that there is no question of the Nagas withdrawing the ongoing agitation or entering into the proposed “tri-partite talk” without first fulfilling their demands. The demands include, unconditional release of the two UNC leaders and immediate roll back of the new seven districts. It reiterated that no use of State force and terror can deter the Nagas from standing up for their birthright and historical aspirations.

Source: The Sangai Express


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