Emotional Freedom, Network Widening and Nation Building: India’s prime need Today
by Amar Yumnam
There are three major challenges facing India today. First is the necessity for reinventing mechanisms for emotional integration of the country for...
Hello, Hello, Hello, Am I talking to Electricity Complaint Room ?
“One who pays bills regularly, even if he is the poorest or the most backward, is more important than a Very Important Person who...
If You Love a Bird… Time to Mature India’s Manipur policy
By Amar Yumnam
There is a saying and a lovely one at that which goes as: “If you love a bird, set it free. If...
University, Education and Society: Chequered Trajectory
By Amar Yumnam
In a recent function in Manipur University, an ex-Vice Chancellor related a sad and disappointing experience with the Chief Minister of Manipur...
Development of the Mountains: Ultimately a debate now
By Amar Yumnam
I recently had the privilege of meeting the Prime Minister of the country in a relaxed atmosphere with foods served. Since we...