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Monday, May 20, 2024

Exam bells a-ringing

By Tinky Ningombam Some wise men said that the fruits of labor are the sweetest, that if you succeed after having worked harder, it gives...

Online footprints!

By: Chitra Ahanthem As the world gets more wired today, it is fast leading to a situation where, on one hand people you hardly know...

When I met Eche

By Tinky Ningombam Last week I attended a candle light vigil in the name of Eche Sharmila. With an early exit from my office, I...

The meteoric rise of Neiphiu Rio and his eyeing to Delhi

By Oken Jeet Sandham As soon as Neiphiu Rio became the Chief Minister of the NPF-led DAN-I Ministry in Nagaland in 2003, 7 Congress MLAs,...

Mobile Hassles and Harassments

By Chitra Ahanthem Some time ago, there was a string of funny SMS jokes sent to my number from an unidentified number. The jokes were...

Interview with Tonthoi

By Wahengbam Rorrkychand In a surprise to all her fans, Leishangthem Tonthoingambi Devi, who won the national award in supporting roles in 'Phijigi Mani' (2011)...

Forever Young

By Tinky Ningombam Being part of Kang Chingba (Rath-Yatra) this year after almost a decade made me realise how old I have become and how...

Let it be

muses of a lovelorn soul insights of an engaging mind a figment of imagination of a restless life… voice that comes like a gentle breeze sooths the weary heart; words...

Disturbing Normalization and Confusions

By Angomcha Bimol Akoijam Violence is expected in a conflict zone or area like Manipur. As a state wherein there has been armed confrontation between...

The books that made it!

By Tinky Ningombam “We live for Books” said Umberto Eco once and how right he was, even for small time bibliomaniacs like me. Of course,...

The coming of the Senbrangs….

By: Maisnam Chanu Liklainu We always envy our neighbours. Birds coming and building nests in their maangols. We always wanted these birds to come...

Contagious Ignorance

Tinky Ningombam We deal with superficiality all our lives.  We have seen it when we see people act different just to give an outward appearance. ...

In the labyrinth of ‘Old Imphal’

By -Sanatombi Angomcha The beautiful ruins of the Old Kangla palace, the glorious plunk of the ‘Sana Konung’, the ever famous ‘Shamu Makhong’, the crowded...

Stark Reality of Students’ Politics in Manipur

It says that politics starts from family, and for an aspiring politicians educational places are the most favourite spot to sown the seed of...