We have been thiking of updating our site for a long time. Finally it’s a dream come true to reach at this stage. If you have been noticing we have been down for a while, well the reason being we have been trying to make it work really .
There is lot’s of features that’s been provided/added by wordpress . We belive in Keep it simple, Stupid! so we have moved from our bespoke CMS system to wordpress. I am not going into detail what wordpress does, but it’s better late than never for us. It just made our life simple , it just took a week for us to set up the site..
There are couple of great social features that we have included in this first updated
1. We are on twitter , our post are automatically updated so don’t forget to follow us on twitter
2. We have move from conventional RSS feed to feedburner which makes it easier for us and for you to subscribe for the latest news
3. Comment system is currently moderated, apologies for the moderation, but it’s a must for us till we release the update 0.2, most of you must be really eager to know what’s coming up next
4. we recently introduced a new channel K-JOBS, if you are aware manipur has around 600K (no figures available for other north eastern states) unemployed members currently registered to the the employment agency, it will be our utmost endeavor to provide the community for any job information
5. Our old classic site is still live and kicking …
Most of all KO would like to request our esteemed users to give their feedback to help us grow and improve .
P.S KO has a mobile version of the site. Don’t forget to check the site on your mobile phone.
This new site is really good, not the old one was not good. The contents and ‘updation’ are keys of the news site apart from look and modules, and KO is doing just that.
One suggestion: on the comment page, it will be nice to sort the comments by ascending order, meaning the latest should be on top so that we don’t have to scroll down for latest comments.
Another suggest is: Please make all external links on a new window, not in the same windows. We don’t WANT to leave KO page while clicking on other links.
Many thanks for your great works!! We really appreciate your work!!
Kind regards from Europe!!
Good that you’ve shifted to wordpress. Now the site looks more decent. Congrats guys!!