People of Manipur should find innovative ways to eliminate the dependency on the items coming from outside the state so that economic blockade will have minimum impact to their life.


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    1. I doubt there is very little innovative ways left to eliminate the dependency on the items coming from outside the state. people using Moreh charcoal stove rather than cooking gas, my question is how long will we look for such innovations?

      Why shouldnt we focus on developing an alternative highway instead? Development of NH-53 has been handed over to BRO/BRTF for another three years. So what are the PWDs contracters who were sent to NH-53 do now? It is learnt that hardly any BRO/BRTF machinery can be seen plying along the stretch of the highway. The BRO/BRTF has been sleeping for more than four decades along NH-53. One doubts if they are up for the challenge. The interesting part is BRO/BRTF maintains highways in the neighbouring state remarkably but failed to do so in Manipur.

      Another Commendable thing about BRO/BRTF is the sleeping over of Mao to Maram section of NH-39 for three decades now.

      Shri Ibobi has rightly said Rs. 10 cores sanctioned by Centre to repaire 220 km long NH-53 is peanuts.

      In such a scenario when GOI has turned its back on Manipuri people, time has come for us to rise once again. It is time for Manipur Govt. to put all its resources on developing GANJA ROUTE to a two-lane state highway connecting it to Jiribam. What is disheartening is the diversion of GANJA ROUTE via Tipaimikh due to the upcoming controversial dam. What is supposed to be the shortest route out of Manipur has to be diverted because of this upcoming Dam, the highest earthem dam in the country at 180m Metres height in a ZONE V(most dangerous) earth quake zone.

      We dont need a dam this big in magnitude and one which affects our lifeline. a) One of the reasons of not sanctioning money for NH-53 is that some portions of the highway will be submerged once Tipaimukh dam comes up. b) The shortest route out of Manipur known as GANJA ROUTE has to be diverted via Tipaimukh.

      The purpose of the dam is to meet the energy requirements of India in an emerging economy by exploiting a buffer state like Manipur where the second fastest growing economy in the world has severely failed to maintained a single Highway so crucial to the survival of the people of the state. And when the people of Manipur have risen to the occasion on the initiative of TDC, the GOI have given permission to BRO/BRTF to sleep over the highway for another three years as if sleeping over the highway for more than four decades is not sufficient.

      A smaller dam would be more compatible not only to Hmar inhabitants of Tipaimukh area but also to anti dam groups/lobbys which serves to every one s purpose.

      Besides the Ganja Route, NH-150 and also the Guite Route passing through Singhat should also be develop side by side. The dependence on a single highway should be minimized so as to reduced hardships incase of similar recent blockades.

      Another crucial route is the Imphal-Tamu route of NH-39. Myanmar is the gateway to Southeast Asia, the key to our future survival. trade with Myanmar should be expanded and unnecessary restrictions reduced. How far GOI is willing to accomodate remains to be seen.

      Innovations may continue in a secondary manner.

    2. the resilience of the people of manipur was tested some time back when both the national highways were blocked for more than 2 months. the tolerance and patience tested. the calmness and gentleness tested.
      innovative ways to tackle such man-made or political disasters continue to surface. now, affected people are finding ways to make themselves sufficient in all fields and fronts.
      long live kangleipak and kangleichas!


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