“September Naga Summit greatest of the decade”: FNR


KOHIMA, SEPT 19 (NEPS): Following the “historic” highest level meeting of leaders of NSCN(IM), NSCN(K)and FGN/NNC held at yesterday at Dimapur under the initiative of Forum for Naga Reconciliation (FNR),things are moving in fast pace with high hope real peace will return to the land.

It is a landmark in the history of Naga political journey that by responding to the deep yearning of the Naga people and in affirmation to the call made by the Forum for Naga Reconciliation to convene the highest level reconciliation meeting, Brig (Retd) S. Singnya, Kedaghe of NNC/FGN, N. Kitovi Zhimomi, Ato Kilonser of GPRN/NSCN and Th. Muivah, Ato Kilonser of NSCN/GPRN met in Dimapur on September 18 to show their commitment and sincerity to the Naga Reconciliation.

In a press communiqué issued on Sunday, FNR stated that from despondency, the Journey of Common Hope, was emerging with concrete hope towards the future. “We are humbled and profoundly mindful of God’s faithfulness all through the journey—a journey sometimes filled with fear and hopelessness,” it said.

Naga leaders with NSCN(IM) general secretary Th Muivah, NSCN (K) general secretary N Kitovi Zhimomi and NNC/FGN leader Brig (retd) S Singnya during “Highest Level Reconciliation Meeting” initiated by FNR at Dimapur

Stating that amidst the abyss of uncertainty, the “Highest Level Meeting” of the Naga leaders has taken place on September 18, at Dimapur which was attended by Mr. Th Muivah, the Ato Kilonser, NSCN/GPRN; Brig (Retd) S Singnya, the President, FGN/NNC; and Mr. Kitovi Zhimomi, the Ato Kilonser, GPRN/NSCN. Senior leaders who accompanied them were, Gen. V S Atem (Emissary to the Collective Leadership and Convener, Steering Committee), Mr. Qhevihe (Speaker, Tatar Hoho) and Mr. Kedulhitsu Tsuzu (Steering Committee Member) of the NSCN/GPRN; Mr. Azheto Chopy (Convener, NPAC), Mr. Huthrong Yimchungru (Kilo Lilonser), Mr. C Singson (Kilonser) of the GPRN/NSCN; and Mr. Zhopra Vero (Vice-President), Mr. Peshuo Lam (Kilonser), and Mr. Pudai Lam (Kilonser) of the FGN/NNC.

“The September Summit may be considered as the greatest news of the decade for the Nagas,’ the communiqué said terming it as “Indeed, a priceless gift to the Naga people from our highest level leaders.”

It said they were touched by the “sincerity” of the Naga leaders and their “down-to-earth leadership’ exhibited throughout the meeting proceedings. “This signals the beginning of a new era of bright hope for the Nagas. We applaud each of them,” it asserted.

They disclosed that just last Sunday, September 12, 2010, Christians across Naga areas and Baptists in many parts of the world were praying for the Highest Level Meeting of the Naga leaders. Today, September 19, exactly a week after, they were beginning to harvest the “intercessions of God’s people. All achievements have come from God and FNR attests to this fact.”

“FNR would like to put in record of our sincere gratefulness to the Shisha Hoho Prayer Center, NBCC, CNBC, NCRC, Nagaland Catholic Churches Association, and other Christians organizations in Naga areas, and other Christian organizations throughout the world; and notwithstanding the Naga Hoho, ENPO, NMA, NSF, NPMHR, UNC, NWUM, and all other Naga Tribal organizations for your tireless support to Naga reconciliation,” the communiqué added.

It further said in the coming days, the signatories of the COR (Covenant of Reconciliation) would be engaged in working out their differences and for this the “FNR, once again, must call upon all to render your fullest support.”

“As often mentioned, the FNR assures all Naga political groups that one without the other will be incomplete and we stand by our words,” it said adding it would like to reiterate that all of them were part of the jig-saw-puzzle of the Naga nation and everyone had a role to play.

Acknowledging with much gratefulness to Mr. Hukato and Debby Naga for their wholehearted support in hosting the entire event, FNR wished that God blessed them.

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