CM lauds surgeons and urge them to put more theories into practice


IMPHAL, Oct 8: The International Live Surgery Workshop organized in connection with 3rd National Conference of Indian Hernia Society (HERNIACON 2010), 1st East Zone Conference of Society of Endoscopic and Laparoscopic Society of India (SELSI-EZ-CON 2010) and 15th Annual Conference of the Association of Surgeons of India Manipur State Chapter (ASIMANICON 2010) was inaugurated today by the chief minister O. Ibobi at the Jubilee Hall of Regional Institute of Medical Sciences (RIMS), Imphal.
Speaking at the inaugural function, the chief minister O. Ibobi stated that the surgeons of the state will have a rare opportunity to gain advanced knowledge from the first ever International Live Surgery Workshop held in Manipur which is also participated by a number of well-known surgeons from across the world.
He further maintained that the world is moving fast towards development and the rapid advancement in medical science has increased the life-span of the people. The doctors should try to acquire more practical knowledge rather than book knowledge by organizing such conference which aims to give great opportunities to the doctors who are looking after the health of the people, Ibobi noted.
The chief minister also stressed on the use of advanced technological equipments by the doctors to give world-class healthcare facilities to the people of the state, and lauded the surgeons for performing less time consuming and effective minimal access surgery like the keyhole surgery to the patients of the state.
The function was also attended by MLA Dr. Ng. Bijoy, Founder President of Association of Surgeons of India, Manipur State Chapter, Dr. NK Pandey, President of Association of Surgeons of India, Prof. S. Sekharjit, Director of RIMS, Prof. MC Mishra, President of Indian Hernia Society, Prof. SD Maurya, President of Society of Endoscopic and Laparoscopic Surgeons of India, and Prof. GS Moiranthem, President of Association of Surgeons of India, Manipur State Chapter.
The workshop which is being participated by a number of surgeons from different parts of the country and abroad including Edinburgh and Australia will continue up to October 10. 


  1. CM should announce cash prize for manipuries who writes good books, comes out with scientific findings which is a contribution to mankind. But for the many years we have seen our govt. has been very happy to award cash prize to sportspersons who received medals etc. The medal received in an sporting event is purely an individuals achievement and it does not contribute to the welfare of mankind, except that he/she is a manipuri. But let me remind that the contribution of a scientist is for the mankind and it has no boundary. Therefore I request the press fraternity to let this message reach our CM and other politicians to take appropriate actions to recognize and award academic talents. Prof. Robert Edward is awarded Nobel prize in medicine after 32 years of his test tube experiment. It is so shocking news. To write a book takes a minimum of 3-4 years. but no award for such work also. This is discouraging our young talents.


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