Delimiation Ia Clarion Call To Unit Or Separation, Choose?



In support of the decision taken by the Tribal joint Action Committee on Delimitation, I would like to share some thoughts specially to the Councils of Ministers, MPs, MLAs and to my beloved brethren of Manipur.

That, the Delimitation of Assembly Constituencies in Manipur had been stalled by a stay order of the Imphal bench of the Guwahati High Court dated 19. 01. 2007 on the basis of the writ petition filed by the All Political Parties, Manipur (APPM). However, the Supreme Court on the 13. 07. 2007 had stayed the impugned order of the lower court and set the stage for the Delimitation Commission to complete its task in respect of the State of Manipur after several hearings on a writ petition filed by Indo-Myanmar Tribal Development Association (IMTDA) on behalf of various Tribal organisation in the state. Thereafter, the Government of Manipur and All Political Parties of Manipur have been defeated in the Apex Court.

Against the backdrop of the Delimitation Exercise in the State, All Political Parties convened a special single sitting of the Assembly Session on 30th July 2007. Inspite of strong Opposition and Walk Out by 10 Tribal MLAs, All Political Parties, Manipur swept the House and resorted to all available Political pressure on the Central Leadership and thereby Ordinance is brought about. This is nothing but Sectarian Politics, it is dirty, loathsome and against Human Rigths.
Alas!! Where is the Tall Claim of SPF and UPA Government for the Welfare of the TRIBALS in Manipur ? Its like chopping off someone’s leg, then asking him to walk and enjoy. The quotation of Rousseau “Man is born free but is in chain everywhere” aptly satisfy the Rights and Status of Manipur Tribals.

Art. 323 (3) of the Constitution of India lays down that the number of seats reserved for the SC or the ST in the Legislative Assembly of any state shall bear, as nearly as may be the same proportion to the total number of seats in the Assembly as the population of the SC/ST in the State or part of the State, as the case may be, in respect of which seats are so reserved, bears to the total population of the state. Further, sub-clause (iii) of provision I of the Guidelines and Methodology for Delimitation provides that the number of seats to be reserved for the SCs and STs in the House of the People and State Legislative Assemblies shall be reworked out on the basis of 2001 census. This implies that, the number of seats reserved for STs in the State Assembly shall be increased from 31. 6% to 37.3% i. e. 3 seats to be gain by Tribals in Chandel, Senepati and Ukhrul.

The Constitution of India clearly provides for the protection of the interests of SCs/STs in different spheres pf governmental activity, including Delimitation. Denial of these rights at the whims and fancies of the Majority community amounts to violation of the Constitution. By inference, any political party or individual trying to obstruct the operationalization of the Constitutional Provision should BE guilty of attempting a fraud and conspiracy of the Constitution. The Ethno-political divide within should not be allowed to affect the just and unbiased operation of Constitutional provisions.

I humbly appeal to all Tribal Ministers, MLAs, MDCs, leaders of Churches, social organisations and the commoners to reason together and stand for our Rights, let alone Delimitation.

DELIMITATION, a clarion call to the UNITY or SEPERATION of Manipur. Choose ?

Yours faithfully,
Thangjamang Haokip
Former General Secretary KSO. GHQ.


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