INC synonymous with Indian history: Ibobi


The Manipur Pradesh Congress Committee observing the 125 foundation day of Indian National Congress in the presence of MPCC president Gaikhangam, Chief Minister Okram Ibobi Singh and other party leaders. 2010-12-29 | by : IFP Photo
The Manipur Pradesh Congress Committee observing the 125 foundation day of Indian National Congress in the presence of MPCC president Gaikhangam, Chief Minister Okram Ibobi Singh and other party leaders. 2010-12-29 | by : IFP Photo
IMPHAL, Dec 28: The year long 125th anniversary of the Indian National Congress concluded today with a formal function held at the State Congress Bhawan in the presence of the MPCC president Gaikhangam and the Manipur Chief Minister Okram Ibobi Singh and other congressmen.
The formal function of the 125th anniversary of the national party was jointly inaugurated by the MPCC president and the state Chief Minister by lighting up the inaugural lamp, which was followed by paying of floral tributes to the statue of the father of the Nation Mahatma Gandhi at the Congress Bhawan.
Chief Minister O Ibobi Singh, while speaking at the function has stated that the INC was established by many freedom fighters of the country, with the main motive of establishing a democratic form of government in the country.
Further maintaining him to be a proud congressman, the Chief Minister further added that a talk on the Indian history is synonymous to the history of the Indian National Congress. He also added that as a congressman, he has dedicated his life for the welfare of the party and his country.
Allaying the panic that has been generated post Bihar electoral debacle, Ibobi warded off rumors of Congress being a spent force. “The Congress party is still in a strong position as can be gauged from the number of nominations being filed by the party for the upcoming nagar panchayat election which is slated for January 3. While some parties can not afford to field even five candidates, the Congress has fielded the strongest and largest number of candidates for the local body elections”, he said.
He also mentioned that his party has been maintaining the issues carried in the Congress manifesto which was issued before the election in the interest of the people.
While maintaining that his party believes in the catchword ‘Speak less, work more’, he added that the party is aiming to make the state a well oriented and shining state by 2020. He also maintained that the party has been working without any racial or community biasness and will continue to work in the same way.
MPCC president Gaikhangam in his speech stated that the party has been organizing various interaction and discussion programmes at various location of both hill and valley districts on the past foundation, present progress and achievement of Congress and future vision of the Congress throughout the year long observation of the 125th anniversary of the party.
The state integrity will last as long as love and friendly bond exist among the various ethnic communities residing in the state.
The MPCC president further seconding the chief minister on the issue of the party being not a communal party stated that the party stands for the collective development of the state and the part is responsible for all people of the country irrespective of their caste, creed, religion or race. He has further warmly appealed all sections of the society to come and joined his party and worked towards the development of the state.
Various other leaders of the party including Outer MP, Rishang Keishing a veteran congressman also spoke on the occasion.




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