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Dear friends,
It is reported that the Chinese government informed the Indian Ambassador in China, S. Jaishanker, to advice New Delhi not to attend the 2010 Nobel Prize ceremony to be held on 10 December 2010 at Oslo, Norway.

As for India, it is reported that New Delhi has not yet decided whether to succumb to Beijing’s diplomatic browbeating or to defy it like any mature self-respecting state that honours what is etched into its Constitutional template. India’s decision whether to participate in the December 10 event at the Oslo City Hall must be based on what India believes.

India however has its own version of Dr. Liu Xiaobo, 2010 Nobel Prize winner from China. It is Miss Irom Sharmila Chanu of Manipur, also known as the iron lady of Manipur. Sharmila is imprisoned since November 2000 in an isolated room of J.N. Hospital in Imphal, Manipur. The state government in Manipur, upon instruction from New Delhi has charged Sharmila under Section 309 of IPC, 1890 interpreting her indefinite hunger strike demanding to end impunity in Manipur as an attempt to commit suicide and thus a crime. The judiciary in India, concerning this case in particular and Manipur generally has behaved like their Chinese counterparts, subjugated and biased.

India is hardly any different from China in smothering dissent and negating democratic freedoms concerning J&K and Manipur. Indian media emulating their Chinese counterparts avoids impartial and continuous reporting of human rights violations and brutalities committed by the state and non-state actors in these two high intensity internal domestic conflict zones.

Attached please find the full version of the article INDIA: Can China browbeat the world’s largest democracy? by Mr. Bijo Francis, a lawyer from India.

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