An Open Letter to the BJP



RSS-BJP destroying growth of a Broader Hinduism

1. The people of Assam views BJP as the political party of Hindi heartland which wants to promote Hindi and the North Indian and Bengali style of Hinduism in Assam and other vulnerable areas like Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Tripura and Meghalaya.

2. When LK Advani was the home minister of India and BJP was in power at the centre and in friendship with the AGP, why was the illegal migrants from Bangladesh pushed back into Bangladesh? When in power, why was the BJP leaders sleeping then? Was it because elections were over?

3. LK Advani, just like K.P.S. Gill are mass murderers in Assam. It was during the tenure of LK Advani and Prafulla Mahanta as CM in Assam when millions of innocent Assamese people were killed in the heineous ‘secret killings’ in Assam.

4. The BJP is not concerned about the demographic invasion from Bengal, Bangladesh, Nepal and Hindi belt. Just because French and German are followers of the same religion Christianity, doesn’t mean the French will let Germans set up base in their country. Several areas of Assam, especially in towns like Tinisukia, Dhekiajuli etc., the native Assamese are a minority. Should the people of Assam sacrifice their identity in the name of Hinduism? It would be safer for us to convert to Christianity in that case. If Hinduism means to sacrifice ourself for Hindu migrants from Bangladesh and Nepal, it is better to give up Hinduism to save native languages and native cultures endemic to Assam only.

5. The BJP should realize that Assam has its own style of Hinduism. Assamese Vaishnavism or the Assamese Shaivism is different from mainland India. If BJP thinks that Hinduism means saffron in Hindi belt, in Assam and some parts of north-east it is about white. Priests in Assam or Manipur wear white, not saffron. In the pretext of nationalism, BJP-RSS has made Hindi and Bengali Hinduism a ploy to spread Hindi language and prayers like ‘Hanuman chalisa’ and ‘jai mata di’.

6. In seminars and conferences and meetings, we hear Sharmas, Goswamis and Chakrabortys talking about Assam being a part of India because of things like Pragjyotishpur or Kamrup and blah blah blah. If Hinduism is the plank for Indian state, Nepal should be annexed into India. It is the only Hindu kingdom in the world. The largest temple in the world is situated in Angkor Wat, which is in the country Cambodia.

Cambodia should be annexed into India. Buddhist countries should be annexed into India.

7. The aggressive Hindi brand of Hinduism promoted by BJP-RSS is making Hindus in fringe areas like Nepal, Assam or even Manipur phobic to Hinduism. On the other hand, Christianity and even Islam is spreading in China. This is because no political party has been formed on religious lines in Christianity or Islam. Nationality is not equated with religion. Iranian clergy or political leaders do not talk of inducting Indonesian Muslims as Iranians because they are Muslims by faith. The Germans do not talk of merging Chinese Christians into German nationality just because they also worship Jesus Christ. If the BJP-RSS keeps on harping India and Indianness on the lines of Hinduism, many forward looking Hindus will have to give up Hinduism and take recourse in a more liberal faith which helps in restoring the regional identity of the people.


Vox Populi,

Guwahati, Assam.

(Reproduced from Imphal Free Press)


  1. Well said “Narendre Gaur “. Well I’m a Hindu too from the birth place of “Lord Rama – Ayodhya” which is known all across the world.Our culture is different from those of Hariyanvi or Delhites but behind all these we have one common platform or you can say our base of Hinduism is same.Doesn’t matter we have different Languages,Customs,Rituals.
    It was Britishers who did all those burning fire between our people.
    1. First by Divide N Rule
    2. Second – Promoting Christianity by giving money & education from Missionaries (Even though they are not getting to the full extent).
    There main motives were to convert whole world into Christianity which can be seen now also and no one can deny it.
    “I’m not saying Christianity is bad nor do I say Hinduism,Islam,Sikhism or Buddhism are Good”.Every religion are equal and should be respected equally.
    But “Just for the sake of few bucks,education or lifestyle why a person or family wants to give up their tradition,culture”.It is not justify.And remember your Morals,culture,….. are the only key to our success.
    I have been there in Manipur for 1 week and it is of no doubt that whole of the North-East has a huge potential in Tourism.People from so called “Mainland Indians” and across the world come to these places because of North-East rich “Heritage”.So one should keep alive his/her customs rather then giving up.
    And about the BJP issue I think none of the parties in India is giving what we want.They all have a one common thing that is “To rule India and get loaded their Pockets”.

  2. What an uninformed writer. Priests in the rest of India also dont wear saffron. Saffron is the color of sanyasis. BJP is not a Hindu Party, its a nationalistic party.

    There is no single brand of Hinduism anywhere, even in UP the heartland of the Hindi belt. I am from Mathura and the culture in Haryana is very different form mine. If the Assamese Hindus feel their version is fading away, then maybe they should look at themselves and see why. Maybe you just dont have enough believers among yourselves to keep you traditions alive.

    You speak of Hindi Hinduism taking over, yet you are willing to change to something which is not even of our land, I cant get the logic in that. Maybe you are trying to justify your lack of faith in your own culture and want to adopt something for the sake of Money and other benefits.

    Stop blaming other for your lack of conviction.

    • He said already fool!Its absolutely true that Indian(mayang as we know in Kangleipak) are very much aggressive in their insinuative cultural dilution.Black Day for Kangleipak when one so called saint ,representing mayang culture invaded Kangleipak.Alas!every thing went awry after that.Political,cultural,social…..damn you name it..That was indeed a collateral damage.Now Mr Mayang Gaur will say”Maybe you just dont have enough believers among yourselves to keep you traditions alive”.Now listen carefully Mr Mayng Gaur!I cant explain much about how it did happen as historical facts goes but one thing is clear in the mind of all Kangleipak that Mayang culture was indeed coercive and full tricks…chicanery involved.Ask any sane Kanglei u will get hearse answer.This your culture has brought down all to the lowest of the lowest…Better off Mayang culture.Fortunately,slowely but steadily changing.Thanks to the youth.We cant blame our elders now.Mayang culture have to go!Hence VOx Populi U are absolutely right!


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