PREPAK refutes police claim


IMPHAL Jan 12: The proscribed PREPAK in a press release by the outfit’s secretary in charge of Publicity and Propaganda Aheiba Angom refuted the police claim that four cadres of the outfit were arrested.
The release further stated that Thoubal Police Commandos apprehended Ng Biren Singh ,34, and his wife Lata Devi,34, of Borayangbi Laingou and Yumnam Jiten ,40, and his wife Manorama ,37 on January 10 from Arong Nongmaikhong Khunjao. The said persons have no links with the outfit in any manner and the vehicles and money alleged to have been recovered from them are also not the property of PREPAK, the release stated.
The release stated that the law keepers are undisciplined and carry out wanton acts of violence and arrest any individual at their whim. It would be wise for the police forces to involve themselves in earning money through legal means instead of harassing the public, the release stated.

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