10 days Chieraoba Exhibition kick off


IMPHAL, Mar 27: The inaugural function of the 10 days Cheiraoba Exhibition cum sales of Handicrafts started today and will continue till April 5 at the Epathoukok, Naoremthong Bazar, Impahal.

The exhibition was organized by Socio-Economic and Cultural Development Organization (SECDO), Uripok Achom Leikai, Imphal West and sponsored by Development Commissioner (Handicrafts) Ministry of Textiles Government of India.

The inaugural function was attended by L. Nandakumar Singh, MLA, Uripok assembly constituency as chief guest, K. Radhakumar Singh, deputy commissioner Imphal West and Konthoujam Tombi retd. Principal N.G. College as the functional president and Th. Rajen Singh, Investigator Marketing and Service Extension Centre, Imphal, and H. Murali Meitei, president, Epathoukok was the guest of honour of the function respectively.


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