CM interacts with students of NIT, assures to look into their grievances


Manipur chief minister O Ibobi Singh inspecting the National Institute of Technology (NIT) at Takyel in Imphal on Friday. The chief minister was surveying the constructions of boys' and girls' hostels at the institute campus.
Manipur chief minister O Ibobi Singh inspecting the National Institute of Technology (NIT) at Takyel in Imphal on Friday. The chief minister was surveying the constructions of boys' and girls' hostels at the institute campus.
IMPHAL, Mar 4: The Chief Minister of Manipur O Ibobi Singh today visited the temporary National Institute of Technology building located inside the Government Polytechnic and inspected the building and its infrastructures. He also enquired about the needs and problems faced by the first batch students of the institute during his visit.

The Chief Minioster who was accompanied by his works minister K Ranjit Singh and other concern officials, while speaking to media persons stated that his main intention of the visit was the inspection of the present status of the ongoing construction of the institute buildings and the welfare of the present students.

While maintaining that the construction of the NIT at Langol will take atleat 4/5 years to complete, he added that the government has set a target to complete the boys’ and girls’ hostel and classrooms under construction at the temporary site by April of 2011, so that the second batch of the institute can start from June without any delay.

The Chief Minister also met and interacted with the first batch students of the institute, who complained to the Chief Minister on various problems including non availability of drinking water, transportation facilities, laboratory, medical facility, library etc. the students also requested the Chief Minister to provide a physical instructor to the students and to developed a playground inside the institute campus.

The Chief Minister in answer to the students demand instructed the concern officials to look into the complains made by the students.

He further gave his assurance to provide solar light systems in all hostels for the security of the students and to also provide a visiting doctor every week for the students.

During his vist, he maintained that he had instructed the concern to finish the polytechnic campus road at the earliest possible.

Meanwhile answering to a media query regarding the pending resignation of the education minister DD Thaissii and its consequence to the student community of the state, the Chief Minister replied that it is an internal problem and that there is no need for worry on the issue.

Meanwhile it may be added that there are altogether 69 students (nine girl students) currently studying in the institute with students from other states including Andhra Pradesh and Bihar as well.

There have been reports od some students allegedly leaving the institute recently due to lack of necessary infrastructure and facilities.


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