Demands of Naga Mahila IR’s services coming: DGP Kire


KOHIMA, Mar 16 (NEPS): Ever since the much acclaimed performance at nation’s capital, Delhi during the last Commonwealth Games by the personnel of the Naga Mahila IR from Nagaland, the demand of their services in various parts of the country increases. Their well disciplined performance during the Commonwealth Games at Delhi had in fact drawn the attention of the media the world over and the Union Home Minister P Chidambaram himself was deeply impressed by their wonderful performance.

In fact, when the Union Home Minister interacted with the Naga Mahila IR troopers at Delhi after the commonwealth Games, he wanted to know their experience and interests, the Commandant of the troopers requested him (Home Minister) to provide AK 47 series. The Commandant explained the Home Minister of the short structures of the Naga girls and the SLRs they were using were bit longer to them. The Home Minister said it should not be a problem.

“We have already submitted a proposal in this regard,” Nagaland DGP K Kire told NEPS here today. “We haven’t heard any from them so far till date.”

“In fact, our Naga Mahila IR troopers went to Delhi right after their completion of second phase of training, yet we are very proud of them,” the DGP stated.

Disclosing that there had been demands of the services of their Naga Mahila troopers outside the State, the Police Chief said even in the past, the Ministry of Home Affairs demanded their deployment in Bihar for election duty. “But that time and since they were only sent for Commonwealth Games duty to Delhi after second phase of training, I requested to relieve them to complete their remaining training,” he added.

Kire, however, stated that they were considering sending their Naga Mahila IR troopers in Gujarat as part of “national integration” program. Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi, in the Chief Ministers’ Internal Security Meeting, mooted the idea of taking about 500 police personnel from the Northeast to deploy in his State as part of National Integration. And accordingly, the Gujarat DGP has written a formal letter to him for the modalities of deployment of the Naga Mahila IR troopers in their State, the Nagaland DGP narrated.

“It is for a 2-year deployment and their place and posting will be in four major cities of Gujarat,” he said. “And our women constables will perform traffic or policing jobs, apart from the law and order duties.”

Kire said such exposure of their Mahila police personnel to other Indian major cities would not only enhance their professionalism but also would learn cultures of various communities of the country.

With regard to the sending of Naga Mahila IR troopers as part of the UN Mission, the DGP explained the idea came up when Shivraj Patil was the Union Home Minister. The raising of 1 Mahial IR Battalion in Nagaland was there when Patil was the union Home Minister and he told them that after training, they could think of sending them as part of the UN Mission, Kire said.

“If the UN accepts such proposal of taking our Naga Mahila IR troopers for the UN Mission, they (Naga Mahila IR troopers) will be very happy and the experience will be unprecedented,” he added. “So, we are trying to find out of the exact position of such program.”

In the meantime, the Mahila troopers have been undergoing Martial Arts trainings. This would give moral boosting to them, besides giving them more confidence while performing their duties.



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