

IMPHAL, Mar 3: Luangrang (Nungnang) Village Development Committee has expressed gratitude to power minister Phungzathang Tonsin, MP Thangsho Baite, Adim Pamei and staffs of electricity department for providing electricity to the Nungnang village.


  1. The Electricity department has providing electricity to Luangrang Village but the department doesn’t monitor whether the power is there/utilized properly or not. As a result 1 person died and many injured while repairing without the knowledge of electricity. Therefore I on behalf of Luangrang people/younger generation would like to request the concern authority to kindly look into this matter as a urgent necessity to repair and resume the connection. And also the Luangrang people enjoy the power only for some few months/one year hardly. Now we have only wire hanging and transformer/post but no current/power, all the bulbs/tubes are become black/disappeared because of unavailability of current for such a long times. 


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