KYKL strictures for HSLC exams


    IMPHAL March 24: The proscribed KYKL has imposed curfew within 400 meters of the exam centre’s for the High School Leaving Certificate Exam scheduled to begin from March 25.
    A press release by the outfit’s deputy secretary of publicity and research, Apabi Mangang has stated that not more than 2 persons can gather around the examination premises and no unfair means should be carried out during the said exam, the outfit has further directed the Meeyamgi Yawol Lanmee (MYL) to punish any offenders. The examination should be conducted as per regulations of the BSEM, and the officer in charge should oversee the conduct of the exams in each centre, the invigilator should also maintain a congenial atmosphere within the exam halls and bar any unfair means and expel any misbehaving students. The students should not use any unfair means and respect the invigilator. If any invigilator or OC is found defying the norms, then exemplary punishment will be meted out including forced retirement, the students found using unfair means should be barred from appearing in the HSLC exam for five years and if unbecoming conduct to the teachers will also be awarded fitting punishment, it states. Further, the outfit appeals to the parents of the students and the concerned to co operate with the strictures so that the education system of the state and the quality of the students improve.


    1. KYKL is no fool. Fighting against the so-called commandos or the Indian Security Forces is suicidal. Intimidating school going children and their parents is much easier and life saving also. If they are really interested why curfew, why guns, in such matters. Win the hearts of the guardians by love and reasoning. We all know the present day system is not satisfactory, we don’t like parents indulging in such acts. It appears that KYKL is doing it purposely to make their presence felt and keep lubricating their money making machines. This is a time where people are puzzled if there is any insurgency movement in Manipur.

    2. KYKL na thinglasu kanadabne tampakkhaktane adubu houjikti tampaki ayambasu loina chingda chatuna thanare.Imphal,thoubal gi ayamba pallel chandelda loina thaba chatle.
      Chandel Pallelgi school kharadadi mahut thabasu yari kananasu thingdri peisabu pairadi loina yare.Admit card na karamna issue touriba pumnamak Board ki member singna loina sinba ngakta.Peisabu piaradi loina yare karisu ngamdaba leitre.Evergreen Modern school.Pallel High School da kadaideino khangde exam mayada student mayam lak e.Class ix Tamdrasu exam thaba adum yahalle.Pumnamak Board ki mayamna sinba ngakni peisa charin=ba ntrao sibo.Student Amadagi 10-15 thousand lounare,xam thadabida certificate pibaasu yaonare.Mayamsing asibu karamna chumthokani siba kinadre peina lounaba hotnabada

    3. KYKL imposed curfew within 400 meters of the exam centre’s for the High School Leaving Certificate Exam scheduled to begin from March 25.But what about the inside the ground and classrooms.Many peoples earn money in this Examination in the of Examination. Mostly In Pallel Namely Evergreen school,Pallel high schools and others schools too.I heard that in Evergreen School most of the invigirators ares parents and give free the the studends for coping the Notes.And in pallel high school,Hearer candidates gives the exam for others candidates.
      Not only this many schools are becomes the place for earning money as well as reason for black-image in Education.
      Many peoples takes 5 to 10 thousands per students for this type of Examination.In this process many Board members are included,So for the bright future and to close this type of corruption, It is better to shot out all tha concern peoples from the bigining the end i.e Candidates,Guardian,Teachers,Board Members,and the Side arranchers.
      So lastly,On the behalf of others Canidadates and Guardians,Pliz do something for the shack of peoples.

    4. exam manung da unfair means sijin nei haina satra da awa cheitheng pibibagi mahut ta band strike mayam asi hantha halla ga ojana chang naina satra da lairik tambibra haibado yengsing bibana faroidra.. satra karigumda demand ama tan bada khulai oina sijin narise thingjin biraga lairik ningthina tam hanbiradi unfair means sijin naribase khara hantha ba ngamlak oidra///

    5. exam chksinbanadi New Kangleipak Porakpa yaroi itaosing… system fahallu… examdo semester wise toubana progress leina education piba ngamgani… sigi exam si di eikhoigi thabak tougadaba kannaba fangadabada mangjagani…. mi loina leirikna chagadaba natte… system change toubana faroidra?

    6. No!This is not the solution.Seem to be desperate in “curing”than preventing the issue!

      Solutions are:

      1)Less strike(bandh)

      2)Teachers selection must be done based on merits,stricture punishment for bribery those who give and take both!

      3)More schools be established both in valley and hills.I think KYKL should donate and encourage in constructing more schools extorted from rich people like politicians and ministers and stingy business man etc

      4)Teacher who are hell bent on “tuition” culture must dealt with by imposing hefty tax which again can be used t construct or welfare of student in Kangleipak!

      5)You can provide and fund money to those needy but talented students.Providing free tuition to those weak students!

      But Alas!non of the statement sound mature enough to handle with prematism.Not a single point we see or talking about this!Damn!

      KYKL if you are listening please do this or the Organization just a EYEWASH!


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