MPP demands President rule; says State reeling under anarchy


IMPHAL, March 25: The Manipur Peples’ Party has submitted a memorandum to the Prime Minister demanding imposition of the Presidents’ rule in the state by removing the O Ibobi led SPF government from power maintaining that the state is reeling under anarchy at the moment.

The memorandum submitted to the PM and signed by its president in charge, Y. Mangi, while underscoring the lawlessness of the State under the patronage of the SPF coalition government mentioned that ranging from law and order situation to developmental works everything has collapsed under the SPF rule.

Further decrying the prevailing lawlessness in the state under the rule of the present government, the MPP today staged a sit in protest at its Nityaipat Chuthek head office under the banner of “the lawlessness Rule of the SPF Government”.

Speaking on the sidelines of the sit in protest, Y mangi maintained that since the chief minister had himself confessed to being unable to rein in lawless activities in the State, he and his cabinet colleagues have lost the moral right to stay in power. They must therefore step down.

Manipur has become such a lawless den and a quintessential anarchic state that the government was reduced to being a puppet when legislator K Ranjit shot the AG without so much as a case being filed against him, MPP vice president said, while adding that the recent incident of killing a youth involving the son of the cabinet minister N Biren has amply proved the inefficiency of the government to run the affairs of the State.

He further maintained that “license guns have become a toy gun for the Congress led Secular Progressive Front government in the State who rations away licenses to its patrons and clients”.

During the sit in protest, the party displayed various pacards whch read ‘hand over the case of Roger’s killing to CBI”, “CM resign for failure to safeguard the right to life” “accused Ajay’s father must resign from ministership on moral ground” “Give severe punishment to culprits involve in killing” “remove the incompetent government for lawlessness” etc.

Meanwhile, the MPP memorandum singed by its president in charge, Y. Mangi, mentioned that ranging from law and order situation to developmental works everything has collapsed under the SPF rule.

All centrally sponsored schemes including the construction of roads under both Urban and Rural Schemes are done only in papers. All projects are left un-attended halfway as the entire amount has already been pocketed by the contractors who are mostly family and near relatives of the ministers, it held.

Implicating this the memorandum further maintained that the highly congested RIMS road, Watham Leirak, Wahengbam Leirak to Tera Bazaar along the NH 53, Wahengbam Leikai to Keishamthong along the Mayang Imphal Road, Nagamapal road and others has been left uncompleted for the last 3 to 5 years thereby making the public to suffer, he said.

It said that implementation of Public schemes under the MGNREGS, Old Age pension, Widow Benefit, Distribution of Essential Commodities are only in name sake. Besides supply of electricity, drinking water is in a horrible state of affairs. It further pointed out that the general public gets power for 2/3 hours per day and even as there are water pipes everywhere there is no water in the pipelines.

It accused that the police and other security forces in collaboration with some of unlawful organization are extorting money from the general public adding many such instances of involvement of security forces have been unearthed.

Despite instruction from the Supreme Court as well as the National Human Rights Commission for holding an appropriate inquiry for every incident of killing of a citizen no inquiry is made by the SPF government for such case in the state.

It claimed that since the SPF came into power from 2002 under the leadership of O. Ibobi Singh, more than 1,000 innocent people have been shot death due to arbitrary and un-authorize acts of both the state and non state actors. Only few judicial/Magisterial inquiries were held however the reports of such inquiries may be about 10/15 after the inquiry has been kept in the cold storage without any action, thereby rendering all inquiries meaningless but installed purposefully for subsiding the immediate sentiments of the people.

Many persons including ministers, MLAs, their family members procure gun license and use the arms and ammunitions for their personnel gain and they are under the impression that they are above the law.

It recalled that the Advocate General, Manipur, N. Koteshor Singh who is the highest legal advisor to the SPF was shot at point blank range by two ministers while they were traveling in an ambassador car. Fortunately the victim survived.
However the two ministers and the AG settled the matter internally at a consideration of huge treatment fee as against the Criminal Law of India by molding the investigation.

Further it recalled another incident that recently took place on March 20 during broad daylight where in one student identified as one Irom Roger was shot death by N. Ajay Meitei, son of the state IFCD and YAS minister, N. Biren, using a M-20 Pistol.

Even though the accused is arrested the public in Manipur has no faith in the police machinery and despite various demands including dropping of the father from the cabinet no action has been undertaken by the government, it said.

Besides it is a daily routine event where a grenade is presented and gifted to the public by unknown persons for refusal to accept their demands, it maintained. And on the other hand in the name of curtailment of underground elements, the government recruited thousands and thousands of police personnel including DSPs, Inspectors, Sub-Inspector and other ranks, it opined.

It said that as per news reports, journals etc there are price for every police personnel. For sub-Inspector/Equivalent cost, 20, 00,000, 12, 00, 000 for ASI/Equivalent and 3, 00, 000 for constable/Equivalent ranks.

It claimed that the entire public in Manipur is in panic and there is no life just after sunset due to fear of armed persons including security forces. On the other hand the ministers, MLAs and bureaucrats are misappropriating public money to the tune of thousands and thousands of crores.

Citing all the mentioned details it requested the PM to remove the SPF ministry and to place the state under central rule.


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