Eden Resource Home`s 3rd Commemoration


From John K. KapingUKHRUL, April 13: The Third Commemoration for the certificate of Distinction of Eden Resource Home , an orphanage Center at Tallui Junction, Ukhrul District was observed yesterday. The orhanage home with 50 children is looked after by 8 staff.            Speaking at the function as the Chief Guest KH Leiyaphi Rita, Assistant Commissioner of Ukhrul encouraged the children to strive towards the future with a positive attitude and to trust in the almighty .She donated Rs 5,000, 2 bags of rice, and other sports equiptment to the orphanage.
The guest of honour,Ningreingam Leisan SDC of Ukhrul elaborated the points in his speech that the public needs to extend maximum effort to the children to pave the their future.He also contributed a sum of Rs 4,000, half bag of rice and sports items. The functional President Wungpam Kasar SDPO, Ukhrul shared his views that it is a paramount task to take care of 50 destitute children.He contributed Rs 2,000 plus half bag of rice for the welfare of the orphanage management.
In another seperate matter, Justice TNK Singh,Judge of Guwahati High Court along with the registrar, deputy registrar, secretary law, district and sessions Judge and other officials from Imphal in presence of the Ukhrul Deputy Commissioner N. Ashok Kumar carried out an inspection of the Ukhrul chief judicial magistrate office compounds and saw the deplorable condition of the existing Office and court rooms.  
The source disclosed exclusively to this Ukhrul correspondent that the main objective of the mission in inspecting the Ukhrul (CJM) was to take stock of the present scenario to further dismantle and build a new office complex.      
The source further informed that the people of Ukhrul in all sections have had enough  hardships from time immemorial because of not having a proper court and Jail in Ukhrul  and as a result scores of Ukhrul public normally go down to Imphal for any legal cases which is time consuming and a costly affair.


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