Man shot in front of wife and children


IMPHAL, April 5: In a gruesome incident armed miscreants shot death a care taker of the Reliance tower located at the Wangkhei Mayum Leirak last night in front of his family members.
The deceased is identified as one Oinam Borababu alias Marcus, 35, s/o (L) O. Shyamjai of Wangkhei Mayum Leirak.
Wife of the deceased Sandhyarani, while narrating the ordeal disclosed that the incident occurred around 8:15 pm. She was preparing food for her family when two miscreants enter the house and ask for her husband.
On replying that the deceased was laying in his bed the miscreants headed straight to the room. On being enquired why they were asking for her husband, the miscreants gave no response and without any warning shot her husband, said Sandhyarani     in tears.
The victims’ wife further disclosed that her husband escaped a life attempt bid recently on March 18 from miscreants who fired several rounds of bullet at him in front of the gate.
Sandhyarani lamented that her husband was murdered in cold blood in the presence of the entire family member adding she questioned the revolutionary ethic for killing a persons without adequate reason.
The Wangkheimayum Leirak Apunba Committee Club also reported that prior to the incident two miscreants enter the club at about 8 pm. The youths were watching movies at the time when the two miscreants forcibly stop the screening of the movies and shut the front doors of the club.
The miscreants before leaving took away four mobiles phones and one torch light from the club members and warned them of dire consequences if they raise an alarm. Moments later gun shots were heard (thrice), said the report.
Meanwhile a JAC against the killing was formed today. And decrying the incident a mass rally was also organized, during which protestors holds placards saying “stop gun culture” “don’t kill civilians for money” “Gun cannot bring peace” etc.
The JAC also submitted memorandum to the Chief Minister along with the help of local MLA, E. Suraj.
In the memorandum the JAC raised charters of demands. It demands the government to produce the culprit within three days failing.
It further urged the government to give financial support to the victims’ family and failure of compliance of the demands will risen in launching extensive forms of agitation by the JAC.



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