SBI opens kiosk banking


IMPHAL, April 8: The opening ceremony of KIOSK banking system was held today at Langthabal Lep Mayai Leikai, Imphal West, organized by SBI Drishtee Alliance and sponsored by Business correspondent RK. Ranjan Singh SBI Drishtee Alliance.

The programme was graced by Anjali Lyndem, assistant gen. manager (rural business) State Bank of India, Local head office Guwahati, Nongmeikapam Ganga Devi, Pradhan Langthabal Lep Mayai Leikai as the functional president and Basab Shyam, chief manager, SBI Paona bazaar branch, Praghar Konwar controller, North East India Dristee Communication and development, RK. Bubusana Singh senior Channel Manager state Bank of India, HQ Imphal, Thoidingjam Sunil Khuman drishtee Co-ordinatro Manipur as the guest of honour during the function.

Addressing the gathering Thoidingjam Sunil Khuman, said that the other name of KIOSK banking can be called as banking at doorstep. He said that the transaction of the money can start from rupees 5 to 10,000 adding he explained the motive of the KIOSK banking is to provide banking facilities even in the rural areas.

RK. Babusana Singh, in his speech said that KIOSK is a mini bank of SBI. With the introduction of the system no individual have to stand for long queue and anyone can easily open account by producing one ID proof.

Paraghar Konwar said through the system an arrangement for availing loans for agricultural purpose will be made adding opening of account will be free of cost till the month of June.

Briefly elaborating on the system of transaction and withdrawal that no individual can deposit money above 50,000 thousand and withdrawal will be limited at 10,000, said Anjali. She further informed that they are targeting to open KIOSK banking system in 13 places within the rural areas of the state.



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