Kangla food shuts down to monetary demand


IMPHAL, May 12: The Kangla Foods production factory has shut down its function from today indefinitely due to monetary demands of Rs 20 Lakhs imposed by a militant group identifying themselves as KCP MTF.

Denouncing the extortion demand, the employees of the factory staged a sit in protest demonstration in front of the factory located at Nambol Chingmang.

The Kangla Foods is an emerging local foods production unit engaged in producing and promoting various indigenous food items. About 150 individuals are employed in the factory.

Discontenting the act one of the protestor termed it as an unfortunate act. He said that a small scale industry like the Kangla Foods is providing job opportunities in a state like Manipur where employment opportunities are rare.

He appealed the outfit to lift the demand and the intimidation on the factory and the proprietor taking into consideration the service rendered by the Kangla foods.


  1. We are really used to this kind of news. It is becoming very difficult for us to identify the real, noble person in Manipur. We see the same group of citizens sometime stage sit-in protest in demand of release of any outfit members. who is behind all these organising such protest. a question comes into our mind that these people are being paid for doing so. All citizens needs to take a stand and do only one thing that “Find out who is evil in the soceity and fight against it”.


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