MPSC, COSMO win in state hockey league


IMPHAL, May 8: Manipur Police Sports Club and COSMO registered big wins at the ongoing 35th mens state league hockey tournament being held at Hockey Stadium, Khuman Lampak Sports Complex.In today’s first match, MPSC defeated MEIRAA by 11-2 goals while COSMO defeated YAC by 15-4 goals. In the first match of the day, MPSC had three goal from Jupiter while Babumacha and Bidyakumar scored two goals each for the police team. Th Herojit, S Tarunkumar, Ravi and Adeva too scored one goal each in the match. For MEIRAA, Ch Tompok and N Shanta scored one goal each.In the second match, Rahul scored eight goal for COSMO while Yaiphaba scored three goals. Sanjit, Amarjit and Peter scored other goals for the winning team. Sataljit and Kh Sarat scored one goal each for YAC while H Bikram scored two goals.


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