UNLF welcomes any means to Indo-Manipur solution: RK Meghen


Arrested UNLF chairman RK Meghen talking to mediapersons inside the NIA court.
IMPHAL, May 20: The UNLF will welcome any proposal or means formulated by any organisation of Manipur to bring an end to the India-Manipur conflict other than plebiscite. This was stated RK Meghen, chairmen of the UNLF who is currently under custody of NIA.Meghen was produced before a special NIA court today in Guwahati.
While inside the NIA court, RK Meghen spoke to mediapersons including some from Manipur.
Reacting to some opposition made by an underground organisation with regard to holding plebiscite in Manipur, Meghen said he consider it as lack of understanding.
The UNLF consider plebiscite as the most favoured means to bring an end to the conflict in Manipur but the outfit does not fix plebiscite as the only means to bring solution to the India-Manipur conflict, Meghen said adding the outfit is not against any other means formulated by other organisations. However, such other means should be acceptable to the people and workable, Meghen asserted.While stating that plebiscite is not solely for the UNLF but a property of the people, Meghen said India’s annexation of Manipur in 1949 was illegal and this led to conflict.
Our desire is to regain lost freedom of the Manipur people. We want peace and plebiscite is one right step towards bringing peace, Meghen said adding entering in peace talk is just like surrendering.
Asking as to how could the outfit surrender at this point of time, Meghen said bringing solution to conflict situation in Manipur lies entirely at the hand of the people.
While expressing his strong condemnation to extortion and placing of bombs at private residence, Meghen said there had been enough of experiences on lack of unity but the process is on to bring unity amongst all organisations.
Meghen also said he is hopeful of regaining Manipur’s lost freedom as people of the land have the courage and wits to do so.Organisation secretary of the UNLF, Nongyai who was also produced today at NIA court told mediaperson that plebiscite is a means to regain freedom.
Instead of opposing and criticising proposal of an organisation, it is better to formulate even more meaningful and better means, Nongyai said while reacting to opposition raised by an organisation against holding plebiscite in Manipur.
He also appealed the people not to treat all revolutionary groups equally as some are fighting to regain freedom while others are operating only to extort money.
Apart from cadres of the UNLF who were produced before the NIA court, Landhoni and Henbi were also produced before the special court today.


  1. We dont belong to India and indian(a worse mankind’s race ever god has created).Who said Gandhi gave independence to Indians?.It was British who gave the same as they got tired of being playing over killed endeavor! Millions Indian were born to serve their masters but Kangleipak a small but powerful thought of laying their lives(in Khongjom) than serving outsiders.Indian should forget that this land called Kangleipak is not like any other tribal territories(namely nangaland,anurachal,mehgalaya,sikkim,mizoram or indianized assam).Seems they know well!Thats why? 

  2. “people of the land have the courage and wits to do so”….truth lies here only…Only few people will realize this ultimate reality and truth!Born and die ..born and die..eat ….earn money eat die …eat born and die….cycle goes on


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