Youth Front calls government attention


IMPHAL July 23: Youth Front of the Manipur People’s Party (MPP) alleges that the ministers of the state while siphoning funds from schemes meant for public development has led to the artificial flood.

Publicity secretary of the youth front Y Langamba states that the recent flood has severely affected the farmers and the fishers, large tracts of paddy fields have been submerged and the fish farms are also inundated. As the poorer section of the society has been affected time and again, the state government including the MPCC president should address the issue, it said.

Demanding suitable packages for the affected public, MPP demands that the government take up immediate remedial measures and to contain the flood crisis.

It further alleged that the IFCD has been pulling the wool over the public’s eye. In the name of anti flooding measures, the department have been repairing the areas which are not in need of attention and vice versa. The department do not want to prevent flooding because funds meant for utilizing in helping the affected can be pocketed by those in power. The minister in concern also remains blind to the woes of the affected public, it said.

The government shedding crocodile tears to the public plight by distributing some meager food grains is not acceptable and fitting compensation should be paid to the affected farmers, the statement appeals.


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