Power cuts


By: Maisnam Chanu Liklainu

The house plunging in darkness.Imagine a house which cannot afford an inverter or a generator.Worse still,a house having both but not in a workable condition.A total blackout…The condition where you are cut off from the rest of the world and you just dont want to find out why for no rhyme or reason.

Power cuts are very frequent….Our right to electricity is restricted and is of a controlled and limited variety.To our friends in Dehli and in other states.This is unthinkable and unmanageable.We live in the dark age in this modern age.With frequent bandhs and blockades on the blink of an eye…We need this energy badly….I can see a lot of people making a beeline for purchasing rice-cookers.LPGs are sold at an all time high price.We can even think of using electric two- wheelers or four- wheelers given the condition of shortage of fuel in our state if the supply of power is good.

The power supply is too meagre.There were times when people stopped using the microwaves,internet,mobile chargers,lights,fans,ACs,refrigerators,telivisions.If this was the case in any metropolitan states in India….The whole of India will rise to curse the Electricity Board and the Government.

In Manipur,as the loadshedding is frequent.People are prepared for it.There are always the inverters or the generators for backup….We do have the Chinese made LEDs to supplement… The Chinese made LEDs are a big hit here.Thanks to The Peoples Replublic of China for this.Atleast, temporarily your products have adorned the households in our Manipur.And it glows well….

I cannot bear the heat for a minute. The mercury is soaring here in Manipur. Your sanity is lost the whole day.Thanks to the rain….The rain saves me from a lot of discomfort.

The frequent power cuts in my work place made me very irritated,very grumbled and very uneasy.I didnt mean to be a snob. But the idea of using a hand fan didnt hit me.When will we get our power supply for 24 hours uninterrupted?

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  1. It is shame for the State Govt. of Manipur to be in the dark with very much irregularity in electricity supply while counterparts in Mizoram,Meghalaya,Nagaland,Arunachal Pradesh never face such problem.

  2. After clamoring for sometime electricity dept.  got tired and back to business it seems.This Ibobi doesn’t care and entire ministers doesn’t care.Every dog has day.Seems like they have forgotten the ire of people last june uprising.Ibobi will lose all what he is accumulating now! I m planning to buy a one big inverter by the way so that  my productivity increases.

  3. Contemporary concern and thought. We need collective voice and efforts. Govt need to do something on it soon. There can not be artificial dark age in this 21st century. Afterall, it’s our own people suffering. Should we allow such thing to continue happening?


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