Senapati women demand immediate end to SHDDC strike


IMPHAL, August 11: The Senapati District Women Association (SDWA) has strongly condemned the prolonged silence of the state Chief Minister O.Ibobi Singh and his cabinet ministers led state government in addressing the humanitarian issue along the National Highway-2 (NH-39).

In a press statement issued by its president Lolia, the association has stated that stranded passengers, students, children, women are made to walk for over 40km to cover the jurisdiction of the on-going indefinite general strike imposed by SHDDC.

The hidden motive of the government to freely expose law and order into the hands of the bandh supporters and mobs explains the “connivance policy” of the SHDDC and the government. “Nagas in Manipur has not forgotten the inhuman suppressive treatment of the present state government on different occasion in demand for peaceful and honorable solution for Nagas issues in Manipur, it alleged.

“It is a matter of grave concern and eye opener for Nagas in Manipur, that even during peaceful demonstration or agitations in Naga areas, the O.Ibobi led communal state government can swiftly adopt ‘cabinet resolutions’ to deploy its deadly and barbaric-the Manipur Commandos and IRBs within 6(six) hours time to counter and forcefully open NH-39 during the Naga’s democratic bandh and strikes”.

History of Manipur will record the “discriminative and dictatorial” treatment of the Congress led SPF O.Ibobi Singh state government. Thanks to its cabinet ministers who endorse the antagonistic policy of dividing the otherwise peaceful tribal communities in Manipur, it has further alleged.

It has further stated that the SDWA demand immediate call-off of the on-going indefinite general strike imposed by SHDDC considering the necessity of addressing humanitarian issues. With series of public resentment reported for non-exemption of even emergency medical needs, student’s examinations/interviews and essential goods, the nature of the bandh has seriously affected normal lives above the limit, it further maintained.

Any democratic agitation or bandh cannot continue to hold ransom to public welfare and that necessary arrangement are highly advised to accommodate humanitarian difficulties during such agitations, it has maintained.

Meanwhile, in a separate statement, the Naga Youth Front has also condemned the “prejudice attitude of the State Government” in handling the present on-going indefinite general strike imposed in the backdrop for demand of separate District by the SHDDC.

It has warned that, “Any predisposition decision of the Congress led SPF O.Ibobi Singh state government will be very unfortunate”. The prolong silence and cool nature of the State Government and its machinery to neglect even humanitarian issues along NH-39 especially in Naga areas manifest the height  of discrimination against the Nagas in Manipur.

It has also stated that all Cabinet meetings ended up conceding the Sadar hills as genuine and all possibilities would be explored to grant the demand of SHDDC. Notwithstanding that Nagas are the historical settlers and that, other communities migrated some decades ago, the present situation created by O.Ibobi Government will culminate only ethnic bloodshed and tensions. 

It has further stated that, “Dishonoring and violating series of MoUs signed between NSF, ANSAM, UNC and Manipur Government, the present State Government will be solely held responsible for any repercussion and communal confrontations. Here, the Naga Youth Front (NYF) question the prolonged silence of all the Naga elected members, Nagas apex civil bodies and political parties for their failure to effectively check against encroachment of our ancestral land and heritage”.

Not objecting to the demand for separate district within their own territory, but any artificial demarcation and forfeiting at the expense of Naga areas will face heavy consequence. And that, the NYF is well prepared to counter any force that becomes a threat and infringement to its historical and property, it ended.


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