The coming of the Senbrangs….


By: Maisnam Chanu Liklainu

We always envy our neighbours. Birds coming and building nests in their maangols. We always wanted these birds to come and build their nest in our house. Also, we have always wanted these birds to shift their location to our side. These days, two senbrangs have chosen our maangol as the location to build their nest. Its one pleasing sight .Its very soothing to see these birds chirping and tweeting making their presence felt.

At  the back of our mind, we always felt we cannot force these birds to build their nest in our house.But,  one fine day , they flew over and they had a long session . From then on they  made up their mind to build a nest there. We thought these birds were making temporary arrangement. It looked like they were inspecting the site.

For a month they tweeted, sang and played in our maangol. They have become more  gentle than we thought them to be. They ain’t terrified of us at all. We made them so comfortable.  So their entry into our maangol was made easier. There is an electric wire that runs in the middle of the maangol. These birds sit prettily there much to the delight of all of us.

The way they gathered the materials was a sheer delight to see. Noises have increased and we are fine with it. We take it as a welcome change… Mom would like to call them born Engineers. They so meticulously planned everything. It was just marvellous. We have seen them use as many materials to construct their nest as they find it  available in the environment.

They use twigs and grasses. Mud is for cementing. Some birds use mud solely for nest building. The lining of the nests are composed of much softer materials and are more elegant than the outer shells. Materials such as fine grasses, fibres, pebbles, spider webs, plant down, and feathers grace the interiors.

They have adorned our house and we are  loving it……



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