When Manipur Disintegrates, India May Disintegrate


By Lt. Col. H Bhuban Singh (Retd.)

Author is a Former Chairman Manipur Public Service Commission (MPSC)
When the Second World War ended, there was a change of political climate all over the world and resultantly, Britain understood that they could not colonies India any more. They decided that rather than continuing with colonization and facing agitation and even open revolt (example, Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose’s INA – Indian National Army), it would be for better to withdraw peacefully in a friendly atmosphere. Even then, if they had to leave, they planned to break-up India and make India weak.

Thus, they instigated Mohomed Ali Jinnah to demand (creation of) Pakistan and that Pakistan should be made as big as possible. Therefore, Sylhet area of Assam, and Arakan Hill Tracts (where tribal peoples like Reangs, Chakmas etc dominate) were made to be part of Pakistan (East Pakistan, now Bangladesh).

In Punjab, the city of Lahore, which was more populated by Hindus and Sikhs, was made over to Pakistan by Sir Cyril Radcliffe’s Boundary Award after instigating communal riots. All these happenings revealed that it was the policy of Britain that an independent Bharat should be made as small and weak as possible. Therefore, creation of Bharat that is India (for all communities) and Pakistan, – Pak (sacred) – stan (Homeland), for Muslims was the decision (of Britain).

Meanwhile, Professor Coupland (of the University of Oxford) came out with an idea for creation of a Third (Christian) Dominion for all Christians of NE States of India, in late 1946. The learned Professor’s idea was perhaps based on the premises that if India could be divided into India (Hindustan for Hindus and Hindu alike religions like Buddhists, Sikhs, Jainas etc – refer Article 25 of the Constitution of India) and Pakistan for Muslims, why not a Christian country? The proposal was turned down primarily because the Christian areas like the erstwhile Naga Hills District now Nagaland, the erstwhile Khasi and Jayentia Hills District now Meghalaya, the erstwhile Lushai Hills District now Mizoram (all of Assam Province) were geographically disconnected.  So, trifurcation of India was abandoned by the British Government. However, the motive of the British to divide India into bits was clear.

Lord Louis Mountbatten, the Governor General and Viceroy of India meanwhile fixed 15 August 1947 as the date of handing over power to India and 14 August 1947 to Pakistan since he could not present at both places in India and in Pakistan at same time. A bit earlier in June 1947, in order to drive the wedge of disturbance to India in future times to come. Sir Akbar Hydari I.C.S., the then Governor of Assam signed the Hydari Agreement, Article 6 of which stated that all the Naga inhabited areas would be merged into Naga Hills Districts. Therefore, the British made sure that the Naga problem would become a perpetual problem to India.

About that time on the instigation of the British Deputy Commissioner of Naga Hills District, Mr. (later, sir) Charles Pawsay, the Naga leader A.Z. Phizo declared Naga independence on 14 August 1947. It was a strange transformation of the Kohima Club having a dozen or so, members in 1929 (Simon Commission days) into a nation in August 1947. The British instigated the Nagas to declare independence and they are still doing it. It was a superb performance of the British. Only the British knew how to transform a trading company, known as East India Company formed by 5 or 6 peoples on the night 31st Dec 1599 – 1st Jan 1600, into a Empire Building Company.

Representatives of East India Company landed at the sea-port of Surat in the Present-day State of Gujarat in early 1600 with presents. They offered obeisance to Emperor Akbar at Delhi and presented gifts to the Emperor and requested for permission to indulge in trading between England and the Mughal Empire. Permission was granted by the grace of the Emperor. East India Company established a factory at Surat and engaged local labour to run the factory.

Very soon, go-downs were built for storage of raw materials and finished products. To guard these store houses, office complexes and factory premises, East India Company engaged watchmen and guards, who were armed with muskets. The armed guards were officered by the British only. The armed guards ultimately became British Indian Army. Robert Clive who defeated Nawab Siraj-ud-daulah at the Battle of Plassey in 1757 was a clerk in East India Company. Clive was made a Lord and the district of 24 Pergannas was made his jagir. Thus Clive became a famous general in India and also a Lord, though he was looked down upon by the blue blooded nobles in England. Clive led a forlon and neglected life in England. Field Marshal K.M. Cariappa was the first King’s Commissioned Indian Officer (KCIO), when Indians were allowed to become officers.

It will be pertinent to point out that Manipur was the last kingdom conquered by the British after the Battle of Khongjom (23 -25 April 1891), since the Tipu Sultan, the Tiger of Mysore had died fighting in the Battle of Seringapatnam in Feb 1799, the Maratha Empire had disintegrated after the Third Maratha war in December 1817 and the Sikhs had been humbled in the Battle of Gujrat now in Pakistani Punjab in February 1849.

After the conquest of Manipur in the Battle of Khongjom and after it became a part of the British Indian Empire, Reverend William Pettigrew of American Baptist Church, who was an expert linguist and who spoke German, French, Latin and also about three African languages, soon learnt Manipuri language, that is Meiteilon with a view to convert Meiteis into Christianity and established Pettigrew School at Singjamei, Thokchom Leikai, Chingamathak, Imphal around 1894. My father, the late Haobam Atoyaima Singh who was two years old when the Battle of Khongjom was fought, attended Pettigrew School at Thokchom Leikai, Imphal since he was five years old in 1849.

The laborious Pettigrew wrote Manipur Primer text-books wherein words and sentences like ‘Ojah Lakyee, Phan Thao’; ‘Tada Lakyee, Chak Pap-pu’ meaning ‘Teacher has come bring a stool’ and ‘Brother has come, make food for him also’ appeared in the Primer. Since teaching and writing of alphabets require the child’s hand to be guided by the teacher, William Pettigrew had to make physical contact with my father and his younger brother (Amuba Singh).

So, Grandpa kept a basket of bamboo or of cane at the northern corner of the verandah known as Nakatha, and my father and my uncle would take out a Khudei (loin cloth) one each and change their khaki-school dresses and put these inside the basket. Then, they would go to Pukhri (pond) and take baths and change into dry clothes. Touching a Malecha (foreigner) was not permitted during those days of extreme orthodoxy. So, a disappointed Pettigrew very soon learnt Tangkhul language, which is very close to Meiteilon and established a school at Ukhrul.

Pettigrew school at Ukhrul now has become a college and I went to attend the centenary celebration of pettigrew College, Ukhrul as I admired Pettigrew for introducing English education in Manipur. The Manipuri Primer text books introduced by Pettigrew are almost extinct now in Manipur, but these are still available in the British Imperial Museum, London. Incidentally, the southern corner of a Meitei verandah is known as ‘Phamen’ where the head of the family sits on a thick straw-mat with a hookah for smoking with his close friends who were allowed to share the thick straw-mat.

Unfortunately, leaders of India in New Delhi like Pandit Nehru and Sadar Patel, the Iron man who became the mud-man of India, did not realise the Naga problem. Now also, (Aug 2010) leaders of India and bureaucrats do not understand the Naga problem as illustrated by the recent innocent looking visit of Mr. Thangmeilen Muivah to his home village of Somdal in Ukhrul District of Manipur, not knowing the fact that Mr. Muivah and his NSCN was responsible for the massacre of six to seven thousand Kukis of Manipur. Also, Delhi leaders do not realise that there are many murder cases against Mr. Muivah pending in various courts of Manipur for killing innocent Kukis. He wanted now to foment communal riots in Manipur, using his ‘Z’ Category security entourage, in the guise of visiting his village in June 2010.

By 1950, Mr. A.Z. Phizo started open revolt. At that point of time, Naga Hills District (less Tuensang) was about half the size of the Manipur (22,347 sq. kilometers). At the instigation of the Church, Phizo spilled over insurgency to neighbouring Tuensang. Then, the Government of India added Tuensang Frontier Tract from NEFA (North East Frontier Agency) to Naga Hills District, on the plea that the Military command and control would be better from Kohima, where the Army’s Divisional Headquaters were located in order to fight Naga insurgents. This kind of appeasement policy was always perpetrated by the muddled brains of Delhi’s top political leaders and senior bureaucrats. They never consulted Chief Ministers of States neighbouring the then Naga Hills District. New Delhi simply steam-rolled their decision.

Later, when counter-insurgency operations became intense, Phizo ran away to London. The Brits gave shelter and bore all the expenses of Phizo. Even though there was mutual extradition treaty between Britain and India, Phizo could not be brought to India. On the other hand, the Brits supported the cause of Phizo openly.

In the 1957 Lok Sabha Elections{according to the late Thokchom Chadrasekhar Singh, the then Praja Socialist Party (PSP) MLA of Singjamei} Rishang Keishing used to advise the innocent Marings and Anals of Chandel District to identify themselves as Nagas, which they did not know and were surprised by the word ‘Naga’. The then 37 years old Rishang could not have visualised about Greater Nagaland, unless taught so, by some foreign brain. To form Greater Naga hegemony, Rishang attempted to expand Nagaism to Marings, Anals, Koms, Kabuis etc. Therefore, it can be concluded that the idea of establishing an independent Naga country was the brain-child of the West and the Church. Even now (Feb 1999 at the time of writing this handout) the idiotic Government of India, run by Bharatiya Janata Party could not visualise this. They did not understand that if Manipur disintegrates, India would also disintegrate and the whole of NE India will break-away from India on Christian net-working. Readers of this article will realise
this Christian net-working all over the world, as you read on please.

On 1st December of 1963, Naga Hills and Tuensang District was elevated to Statehood after naming it as Nagaland and its border with Assam known as Nichughat over the river Dhansari got shifted into non-Naga areas (Assamese areas) up to around thirty kilometers of Assam’s Dimapur Railway Station as the Nagas insisted on a rail-head. Insistence of a rail-head for Nagaland was Western brain and Nagas could not have been that far-sighted. In addition to these land areas, Assam lost land in Bokajan (for road connectivity perhaps within Nagaland State only). These were all Western (church) brain, and idiotic Government of India did not know. But I do know, though I have a brain of pea-nut-size only, simply because I am one of the many sufferers on the ground.

Now, the State of Nagaland has an area of 16,488 sq. kilometers but is still smaller than Manipur’s 22,347 sq. kilometers. Nagaland got raised to Statehood on 1st Dec 1963 around nine years earlier than Manipur, Arunachal, Meghalaya, Mizoram and Tripura which all got Statehood on 21st Jan 1972. This appeasement policy to the demands of the Naga insurgents was Delhi’s lop-sided thinking and history is the evidence. Let us now have a look at the map of NE India, as prevailing in 1972. Please see Map 1.

In 1964, Indira Gandhi declared SOPA (Suspension of Operations Agreement) in order to hold Peace Talks. Why Peace Talks after grant of Statehood to Nagaland on 1st Dec 1963 and also gifting away of huge non-Naga land areas up to Assam’s Dimapur Rly Station (the Nagas were tutored by Western clerics to insist on a railway outlet) and also other areas of Assam in Bokajan. The Nagas insisted that SOPA to be called Cease Fire. The Indian Government refused SOPA to be elevated to CF as this nomenclature is normally used between two warring independent nations.

The Peace Talks of 1965 was headed by Sarva Neta Jai Prakash Narayan with Bimol Chandra Chaliha, former Chief Minister of Assam and Rev Michael Scott as members. I was a Major at Zhakhama in 1965 and had a Grand Stand view from the pavilion end and I knew what all happened. If Rev. Michael Scott could be made to represent Nagaland, I think India should have been represented by Bhakta Swarupa Tulasi Das Sharma or Giani Banta Singh just to insult the Western countries and the Nagas. The then leaders of India at Delhi were very, very unwise.

Michael Scott was putting forth all impossible demands and he was spying also. The kind-hearted Government of India extradited him as persona-non-grata. From my point of view, GOI should have arrested Rev. Michael Scott for spying against India and he should have been punished. During Second World War, the world famous Indonesian spy, Ms. Mata Hari was caught red-handed spying for the Axis powers and she was shot dead. Rev. Michael Scott deserved a punishment of the kind as was inflicted on Mata Hari.

When Rajkumar Birachandra Singh, the then President of Manipur State Congress wrote to Indira Gandhi that the territorial integrity of Manipur would be in jeopardy like Assam’s, Prime Minister Smt. Indira Gandhi replied that though India’s security was important, however the interest of Manipur would not be jeopardized.

In 1972 Rishang Keishing after getting defeated in State Assembly Elections formed his own party known as UNIC (United Naga Integrated Council) and signed an agreement for merger of his party into Congress (Indira). In that Agreement signed by Sheel Bhadra Yajee and Hemam Nilamani Singh representing Congress (Indira) with Rishang Keishing, it was stated that land areas of Manipur, Arunachal and Assam should be merged into Nagaland.

Truly speaking, Congress Party is enemy of Manipur and entire NE India. Why Arunachal should lose land to Nagaland? Inhabited by Bhutias, Lepchas, Apa-Tanis, Daflas, Adis, Monpas etc. they are Buddhists or Hindus or religionless, irreligious and even Godless people. Their lingua franca is Hindustani. Christianity is becoming a big force now in Arunachal, because of Missionaries. Dr. Manmohan Singh may be an Oxford University doctor and P. Chidambaram may be educated in Harvard, but their knowledge of internal security is of Primary School standard. When I am making this remark, I am not disparaging P.C., but sincerely telling the truth. In Chhattisgarh and Jharkhand areas, Maoists and Naxalites are doing target practice by killing CRPF jawans and the dozens, again and again. H’ble P.C. may please consult counter-insurgency experts.

In 1989 elections, Congress lost. However, due to the assassination of Rajiv Gandhi at Perambatur, Congress got revived to some extent in 1991. In 1996, Prime Minister Shri Deve Gowda initiated preliminaries for Peace Talk with Nagas. Before the Talks could be started, his government fell. The next Prime Minister, Shri Inder Kumar Gujral confirmed the holding of Peace Talk and continuance of Cease Fire.

On receipt of the news in Imphal, AMUCO (All Manipur United Clubs Organisation) reacted with a massive rally on 4 Aug 1997 wherein about five lakhs of the valley peoples converged on Imphal Polo Ground. All prohibited areas and restricted VIP areas could not be saved due to the waves and waves of peoples. Dharnas (sit-in-protest) were organised all over Imphal city wherein hill-peoples also took part. However, UNC (United Naga Council) claimed that hill-peoples were forcibly dragged out. Muivah, Khaplang and Rishang supported the theory of forcible dragging out of people particularly tribal peoples residing in the Imphal valley.

Delhi’s bureaucrats also misguided the politicians. Former Home Secretary, Shri P. Padmanabiah who ultimately became India’s interlocutor at Peace Talks, openly said that there was no harm in ceding away some areas of Manipur in order to safeguard the integrity of India. He did not realise that this appeasement policy will be beginning of break-up of India. General VP Malik, the then Chief of Army Staff (COAS) also echoed the same song, which was none of his business. After all, he was not a politician or a bureaucrat. He was a serving Army man and should keep his mouth shut.

Also the demand of UNC to extend CF to Juribam was also raised. The question in 1/2why’ when even the Ground Rules are yet to be formulated? This shows UNC’s support to NSCN and proves that UNC are the overground wing of NSCN (I-M).1/2

Landmark event of Naga insurgency history are:- (1) the June 1947, Sir Akbar Hydari Agreement, (2) The unlawful 1947 declaration of Naga independence on 14 Aug 1947, (3) 1952-53 open revolt by Phizo, (4) 1963 saw the creation of Nagaland and grant of Statehood, (5) the 1972 Integration of UNC into Congress and (6) 1997 Peace Talks with Padmanabhaiah as interlocutor. These events clearly revealed that GOI had not learnt any lesson from history. All these happenings in Nagaland clearly showed that the seeds of insurgency and of secession were planted by Britain and the USA through church.

Even when the bravest of the brave, the Khalisthani rebels were subdued, why was and is GOI not able to suppress or bring a solution to Naga problem till now, though 63 years (1947-2010) had passed by? Is it and was it because the USA and the UK and other Western Christian countries support the Naga cause with their brain, money, weapons and providing of shelters? These are known even to the blind, the deaf and the dumb peoples. What kind of GOI is this BJP-led GOI (Feb 1999)?

Insistence on Peace Talk without Cease Fire for one and half years was a strange happening. The Nagas put forward five conditions. These were:-

(a) Talks outside the Constitution of India.
(b) At P.M. level.
(c) Third country observer to be present during Talks.
(d) Talks to be held in a neutral country.
(e) Talks to be finalise within a time frame.

The then GOI agreed the conditions (a), (c) and (d) but did not agree to (b) and (e). My understanding and interpretation of GOI agreeing to Naga proposal at (a) that is, outside the Constitution of India, might be from the J&K experience when Shiekh Mohamad Abdullah was designated as Prime Minister of Jammu & Kashmir with a separate J&K Constitution and flag etc without real significance and meaning. Now, the State of J&K has a Chief Minister. The post of Sadar-e-Riyasat has become Governor of J&K. For obvious reason of encouraging the Nagas, GOI agreed to point (a) since India can easily create a post of Prime Minister of Nagaland or a separate easily create a post of Prime Minister of Nagaland or a separate flag etc like as was done in J&K.

India agreed to condition (c) and (d), provided the NSCN (I-M) arranged the third country observer and the neutral country. Condition (b) was not agreed to because the P.M. of India could not waste his time on the blahblah talks of Muivah lasting for several days or even weeks. GOI also rejected condition (e), simply because fixing a time-framed is the joint responsibility of GOI and NSCN (I-M). Obviously, a sincere give-and-take approach was the essential requirement.

Thus, NSCN (I-M) held talks without any meaning or achievement till they are ready for the big push to India. Then, as desired and agreed by the Congress (I), also supported by bureaucrats and by Army, a Greater Nagaland as picture in map (2) shown will be created. United States of America well use intimidation tactics and India will surrender. This second Avatar of Greater Nagaland will swallow about two-thirds of Manipur, also more land areas of Assam and also of the State of Arunachal. NSCN (I-M) demanded the inclusion of Naga areas of Myanmar for which India has to fight war with Myanmar to please the NSCN (I-M). Incidentally, Mr. Khaplang, the NSCN (K) leader is a Myanmarese Naga. He is a foreigner. Please see Map no. 2 as visualised by my team. Mr. Khaplang demanded inclusion of Naga areas of Myanmar. To please Khaplang, India has to fight a war with Myanmar now. So terrible indeed.

In a magnificent show of good will, this Greater Nagaland will still be a part of India. Also the USA will take all the credit for bringing peace in India, though we all know that International Naga Support Centres exist at London, the Hague, Berlin, Cologne, Geneva, Atlanta, Washington etc. But the hostile and nascent volcano of Nagaland will be maintained at low level ebb till its sudden eruption.

After about 20/30 years, the USA and the UK will or may tame the Mizos of Mizoram on Christian-net to join the idea of a Christian Dominion. Even now, the logo of GPRN (Government of the People’s Republic of Nagaland), shown at the side says Nagaland for Christ! Since this is not permissible in Democratic India, NSCN (I-M) cadres should be banned immediately and punished in the toughest manner. In fact, all the top leaders of NSCN must be severely harassed so that they run away from India and die like Phizo in various foreign countries.

After two or three generations, when the present generation of peoples in Mizoram disappear from this world, the new generations of Mizos could be persuaded to join Greater Nagalim on Christian net-working. My team predicted the Mizos joining Greater Nagalim, though the Mizos enjoy highest literacy percentage and most liberal views like the Goanese Christians. Well, Western Church pressure is limitless. So, the most educated and civilized Mizos may yield to Church pressure. Please see map 3, after Mizoram joins Nagaland.

Another 30 or 40 years will roll down. Meanwhile insurgent activity will spread to Arunachal Pradesh, though Bhuddhists in Kameng, Aubansiri and Siang will oppose the idea of joining the Nagas for a Christian Kingdom.

In Arakan and Chittagong areas of Bangladesh, the USA will instigate the Chakmas and the Reangs to start war of independence by arming the innocent tribal, meanwhile India may protest feebly. Bangladesh supported by India will be of no avail. Smuggled AK Rifles, mortars, hand grenades etc. will be available almost free. Once the sea-port of Chittagong is captures, American air-craft carriers and military naval ships will arrive sooner than later. Please see map 4. Nagaland like England, Ireland, New Zealand etc will declare independence and perhaps call the new country as Christland.

Thus, Imphal valley, Cachar and Tripura would be cut-off. What will be left of India may be Bramhaputra valley of Assam, and western part of Arunachal Pradesh, and Union territories of Imphal Valley (Manipur), of Cachar and of Tripura. All these UTs well be swallowed soon, since these parts of India are landlocked by Nagalim.

Most of the Meities will become refugees and settle down at Brindavan, Nabadwip, Hojai (Assam), Guwahati etc. and they will be refugees like Parsis, Iranians, Sindhis etc. Meities are likely to lose their identity since they would be the minority community wherever they choose to settle down. For example, if Meities settle down at Nabadwip, they will become Bengalees and if they settle down at Brindavan, they will become Uttar Pradishis etc.

This future scenario can be visualised by the example of the British who came to India during the Mughal Emperor Akbar’s time in 1600 AD, as a trading company called East India Company and ultimately swallowed India, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Bangladesh and Pakistan. Please refer to paragraph 8 above.

However, the silver lining in our (Manipur’s) case is that Tangkhuls, Kabuis, Koms, Kukis, Mizos maintain good relation with Meities. Some of them also worship Sanamahi, Leimaren and celebrate Ningol Chakouba etc., as done by Meities. Linguistically also, all Manipuris-tribal and non-tribal peoples, for example, Tangkhuls, Maos, Marams, Kabuis, Kukis, Manipuri-Mizos, Paites, Manipuris Muslims, Punjabis, Banglalees, Marwaris, Jainas, Biharis, Rajasthanis etc, etc, all speak Manipuri, that is Meiteilon.

Truly speaking, (a) the June 1947 Hydari Agreement, (b) merger of Tuensang into Naga hills District and (c) declaration of Nagaland Statehood on 1st Dec 1963 with Dimapur Railway station as railway outlet etc. were all Western brain, because the Nagas could not have thought so deeply.

Also the Naga Peace Talks of 1964-65 under the Chairmanship of Jai Prakash Narayan with Rev. Michael Scott (of Church) representing the Nagas was to mystify the Indian eye and brain. Why a leader of religion (church) was allowed to represent the Nagas and thus mix religion with politics? The logo of GPRN displaying “NAGALAND FOR CHRIST” does not fit in with Indian democracy, where there is freedom of religion, irreligiousness and even Godlessness.

The breaking up of Assam and NEFA (now Arunachal) did not bring peace in Nagaland, but rather brought more hostility. Therefore, further break-up of Assam, Manipur, Arunachal etc to appease the Nagas is a futile endeavour. NSCN (I-M)’s dream project of NAGALIM (Lim means land) is an area of about 1,20,000 sq.km. This demand of a Nagalim adds up as under according to our team’s reckoning:-

(a) Manipur (after leaving Imphal Valley) – 20,112 sq.km.
(b) Nagaland  – 16,488 sq.km.
(c) Meghalaya  – 22,137 sq.km.
(d) Eastern Arunachal (about)   – 20,000 sq.km.
(e) Mizoram  – 20,979 sq.km.
(f) Assam (for connectivity with Meghalaya)  – 2,000 sq.km.
(g) Bangladesh (about)  – 20,000 sq.km.
Total  – 1,21,716 sq.km.

This area of about 1,21,716 sq.km. is the demand of NSCN (I-M). Hence, granting of 1,21,716 sq.km. as demanded by NSCN (I-M), will be like Adolf Hitler’s demand of ‘lebensraum’ for German peoples. It is a preposterous demand. Also, after biting off about 20,000 sq.km. of land area from Bangladesh’s Arakan and Chittagong areas, Bangladesh will be reduced to 1,22,776 sq.km. and thus about the same size as the Naga country, fit to be elevated to a sovereign and independent country with her own sea port for the Navy, Army and Air Forces, unlike many land-locked countries like Afghanistan, Mongolia etc.

GOI must understand very clearly that the breaking up of the erstwhile NEFA (now Arunachal Pradesh) and of Assam and the future and contemplated down-sizing of Manipur area will only bring more problems to India and to Delhi, ultimately leading to break-up of India as the Nagas enjoy Western support and they will be encourage to demand more and more. India must always remember that Manipur is the bulwark of Indian solidarity in all fields.

The above thinking may not please be ignored as lunatic ideas by a bunch of ignorant peoples. We must not forget that India lost POK (Pakistan Occupied Kashmir) area permanently when India refused J&K issue to UNO (United Nations Organisation) at the instigation of Lord Louis Mountbatten of Burma, the then Viceroy and Governor General of India. We may be blamed by our future grandchildren for our stupidity.

If Manipur disintegrates, it will be beginning of disintegration of India. GOI must impose FRAO (Foreigners’ Restricted Area Order) and FERA (Foreign Exchange Regulation Act) and above all disallow mixing church with politics like “Nagaland for Christ”. Allowing Michael Scott to represent the Naga rebels for political dialogues was a stupid idea. Similarly, Imam Bukhari of Jama Masjid or the orthodox Sunnis or Shias should not be allowed to mix politics with religion. On the other hand, the world should glorify Nobel laureate Ms. Sirin Ebadin of Iran, Or Ms. Taslima Nasreen of Bangladesh, writer of ‘Lajja’. India should not allow the Western countries to do an East Timor to India.

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  1. Hello Arbindo Brother,
    If the North Eastern States become independent, they will quickly be annexed by China. So they don’t need salt from India. Also, China is far more powerful than India in all aspects.

  2. More than 60 years back when the British left India, some sympathizers of Phizo would have supported the Nagas for independence..and by no stretch an imaginary Nagalim..but they would have probably supported the entire Northeast seeking to break away. The world has changed a lot since then and only a small segment of  foolish and selfish Nagas think the West (read England) still supports them. The NSCN is just another terrorist group in the US terror list – if the Indian government ask for help, the US government would in fact support India in military action against this terrorist group. Period.

  3. Anti – Naga, Meitei propaganda.Nagas are there wherever they are included in Nagalim.They are not demanding anything from anyone where they are not there.Silly propositions and theories to invoke anti-Nagas sentiments. Trying to impose Meitei centric worldview on the Centre.But the centre knows better now.The Nagas land include Easter Nagaland in Myanmar.By the by, the article is about the abhorence and frustration of the author against the Nagas led by NSCN and supported by the christendom from the west.

    • HELO brother,
      Running a nagalam requires basic needs. do you have the basic needs? even for salt also you have to bag from india. it is not child play. how long extorsion will feed you. nobody is going to adopt permanently. where is the resources for running a nagalam. Political bounderies are well define. What you will gain/get if at all nagalam is created?

  4. Much of what the Lt.Col writes makes sense and I agree, especially on the issue of the Northeast breaking up when Manipur goes up into flames – becaues of call it arrogance or stupidity of the Indian Government. But to put the blame squarely on the US and UK for the Naga problem is stretching it too far. I understand the writer is a devout Hindu but laying much of the blame on the West would be counterproductive.


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