Integrated check post instruction from Union home ministry likely to delay proposed Imp-Mandalay bus service


IMPHAL, November 15: The proposed bus service from Imphal to Mandalay through the border town of Moreh will be in all likelihood delayed due to recent instruction to the state government from the Union ministry of home affairs regarding the construction of an Integrated Check Post at Moreh before the proposed bus service could be introduced, informed an official source.

The project had already received clearance from all central ministries concerned; however the Union ministry of home affairs’ recent instruction could put a hold to the project, the source informed.

The ministry had instructed the state to start construction of the post with state government share; however the state has been unable to start work on the construction.

Meanwhile, the chief secretary has recently written to the concerned central ministry that even though the state government agrees to the ministry of home affairs’ suggestion to start the bus service after the ‘Integrated Checked Post, Moreh’, it will delay the project by atleast another three years, the source informed.

Further according to the source, the chief secretary had further mentioned that the ICP project is yet to start. The chief secretary has further mentioned, “Most importantly the proposed Bus Service has no link to the ICP”, the source quoted.

Further in his intimation to the concerned ministry, the chief secretary has mentioned that the state can assure that MHA’s security concern regarding the bus service are addressed by putting into place frisking/screening of passengers/luggage at the existing Land Custom Station (LCS) at Moreh, the source informed further.

The chief secretary has also informed that the state has submitted to the Union ministry of finance a concrete proposal to construct a proper bus parking and guest house under the 13th finance commission award to facilitate the passengers travelling on the Imphal-Mandalay-Imphal bus service.

The chief secretary had further appealed to the concerned ministries to expedite the state proposal to introduce the bus service without any further delay, the source informed.


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